Chapter 20-Malfoy Manor

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Instead of relaxing during break, I spent most of it talking with Dumbledore through floo.

He explained to me everything he thought he had figured out with Lilli, and I listened to every small detail.

After a few days, he had asked me to come with him as he thought he had found her.

I got dressed and let my mum and dad know I was going out. They thought I had been spending break relaxed.

I grabbed my bag and walked outside, hearing a crack as I turned to see Dumbledore.

"Come, quickly Ms. Riders." He said, extending and arm which a grabbed as the world spun around me and I felt a weird, sort of light feeling.

When I opened my eyes, my heart sank a bit.

We were at the Malfoy Manor.

I had been here a few times for events with my parents.

I turned to dumbledore, who seemed to expect this reaction.

"I assure you, trust me. Now, be quiet and try and sneak past. You'll need this." He said, handing me a seemingly normal cloak.

"What's this for?" I asked, taking it.

"Put it on dear." He responded simply.

I put the robe on and was surprised when I looked down to see myself completely invisible.

"Come now." He said, walking towards the doorway.

I followed quietly, stopping a bit behind him when he reached the door.

He knocked twice and waited for a few seconds before a nervous house elf opened the door.

"Has professor Dumbledore come to see master Lucius and Narcissa?" She asked, her voice shaky.

Dumbledore nodded, smiling.

"Yes I have, will you go get them for me dear."

The house elf nodded and turned, hurrying to go alert her masters and muttering, "Masters told Zobsy not to disturb them. Zobsy will surely be punished..."

Dumbledore turned and whispered to me softly.

"Downstairs in the passageway to the basement, there's a door. Inside there should be where your daughter is being kept."

I nodded, then remembered he couldn't see me

"Yes sir." I whispered.

He turned back to the door as he heard footsteps approaching.

Narcissa approached, smiling at the professor.

"Hello, what an unexpected surprise professor!" She said, false cheerfulness in her voice.

Dumbledore smiled back.

"Hello Narcissa, I'm here to talk regarding your son, I have concerns with-"

I couldn't hear the rest of the conversation as I slipped past Narcissa and ran quietly down the hall to where I remembered the basement door to be.

I opened it quietly and slipped into the dark passage, closing the door behind me before muttering 'lumos'.

I walked down the stairs, careful not to make a sound.

Not that far down, I reached the door and entered the small room.

I looked around hurriedly, seeing a crib and dresser.

Running over to the crib, I saw a sleeping Lilliana inside.I picked her up quickly, bringing her close to me.

"Lilli.." I whispered, smiling to myself as I grabbed the blanket and brought her underneath the cloak.

I looked around the room a bit more, grabbing a bag that had baby stuff in it and also bringing it underneath the cloak. Then I opened the door, careful making my way back up the staircase.

At the top, I whispered 'Nox' before I opened the door and went back down the hallway the way I came, coming to a stop when I reached the door.

Instead of just Narcissa there, Lucius and Draco had both joined her.

My breath caught in my throat when I realized it would be hard to get past the three of them.

I slowly walked towards them, approaching Draco, who was at the side of his mother, his father on the other side of her.

"Draco do not move or show any sign I'm here." I whispered, praying he would listen.

He flinched slightly, getting a weird look from his father, before he nodded slightly.

"I need you to move slightly, I need to get out. Please Draco." I said, holding Lilli closer to me.

"Father, may I be excuses to use the bathroom for a minute?" He asked, turning to look at Lucius.

His father hesitated, glancing at Dumbledore who nodded before telling him to hurry.

I stepped back as he walked away, and slipped out of the door carefully.

"I have her." I whispered to Dumbledore, walking to stand behind him.

"Well, it was a lovely chat, just thought it would be best to bring these things to your attention Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, but I must be going. I have much to do in preparation for when the students return." He smiled and turned to walk away as the Malfoys closed the door.

I waited until we reached the end of the pathway that led to the manor before I took off the cloak, showing Dumbledore the sleeping baby in my arms.

He smiled, and carefully took her from me, as I grabbed his arm and we aparated away.

(Pretty sure I spelt aparated wrong but idk, lmk guys.)

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