Chapter 13-December

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It was almost Christmas and I was reminded of how much my life had changed since last Christmas.

Last Christmas, I didn't have a worry besides what I was going to get my friends and my homework. Now I had a 5 month old and had newts at the end of this year, meaning my studies were more important than ever.

They were holding another Winter Ball in few days, and despite not really wanting to go because of what happened last year, I decided I would go anyway, and I would take Lilli with me.

It was a weekend and there was a hogsmede trip. I was going with Tatum to find dresses for not only me and her, but Lilli as well.

Liliana was in Black leggings and a grey sweater, matching me, and had on a white fluffy jacket. She was smiling and babbling as me and Tatum walked down the pathways and streets that were packed with students from 3rd year to 7th, in an assortment of different warm clothes.

I was holding Lilli, but she had her hand firmly gripping Tatum's pointer finger. I smiled at the two of them, knowing how close their bond was.

We found a small shop called "Dressed Best" which was a dress store.

Walking in, we began looking around at different dresses, Tatum immediately falling in love with a red velvet dress and going on her own to pay for it.

I continued walking around until I found a section with matching mother-daughter dresses.

I browsed around until I found a matching green velvet set that reminded me of Tatum's red dress. I grabbed it and paid, heading out of the shop to join Tatum.


By the end of the trip, I had gotten me and Lilli our dresses, a few necklaces and bracelets for me, a necklace with an engraved L, and small heart charms that when put together glowed a soft blue for me and Lilli.

I also got a few Christmas gifts for my parents, Tatum, and my other friends.

We walked back to Hogwarts in silence, trying not to wake Liliana who had fallen asleep in the last store we had gone into.

When I got to my dorm, I set her in her nursery's crib and kissed her forehead, closing the door softly and collapsing on my own bed after putting away the dresses, jewelry, and gifts.


The Winters ball was rapidly approaching and it was all anyone could talk about, especially the 1st years.

Last winters ball was only years 5-7 but this time Headmaster had decided to allow all years.

When you walked the halls, there was constantly huge glamorous ways of students asking out others, and Tatum even got asked to go with someone.

We were walking down the hall on our way to Charms when there was a bang of someone setting off a smoke bomb.

Fearing to trip or hurt Lilli, who was in my arms asleep, I stopped and Tatum did the same.

When the smoke cleared, only a few feet ahead of us was Blaise Zabini on his knees like this was some sort of marriage proposal.

Blaise looked up at Tatum, took a deep breath, and held up a silver bracelet in the shape of a snake, sitting in a green velvet box.

He asked her to go to the Ball with her and she agreed, but I wasn't paying much attention because Lilli had woken up from the fuss in the corridor.

We continued to charms and went on about our days, but Tatum couldn't hide the goofy grin on her face like one of a small child presented with a bucket of toys.

Eventually, talk settled down and people were more quiet about the upcoming event, still talking and waiting in anticipation buy not as much.

I had even begun to push the festive dance out of my mind for the time being, focusing on Lilli and my studies.

I was focused, yes, until someone knocked on my door past curfew one night.

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