Chapter 6-Half to death

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~Brinley's perspective~

The quidditch match was going fine, Ravenclaw was winning 70-30 and I still hadn't seen the snitch, but luckily neither had Draco, who was the other teams Seeker.

I stayed at the very top of the arena, circling around carefully. I knew Tatum and probably a few professors were watching me carefully to make sure I didn't get hurt, but most everyone else was watching the rest of the game and paid me no attention.

I had one hand firmly on my broom as I flew carefully, the other placed protectively over my stomach.

I had grown attached to bear recently, knowing I had made the decision to keep them.

I circled around, my eyes scanning the field carefully.

That's when I saw a glint of gold for a split second by the middle of the stands.

I placed both hands on the broom and leaned down against it as I zipped after the small golden ball, which moved over by one of the hoops.

I saw Draco out of the corner of my eye, following behind me.

I sped up and reached out as I got closer to it and felt my fingertips brush the side of it, then I heard one of the players shout "Look out!" And something hit the side of my head as I slipped off my broom, falling from 45 feet in the air.


I woke up in the hospital wing, Tatum sitting beside me holding my hand, she looked worried but was starring out the window.

"Tatum?" I said, but it came out as a barely audible whisper.

Tatum turned over to me immediately, smiling.

"Your awake." She said, hugging me softly.

"Yeah... What hap- happened?" I whispered, feeling a sharp pain in my stomach.

Madam Pompfrey walked in, seeing I was awake and rushing over.

"Oh dear, how are you doing?" She said, grabbing a clipboard from a table by my bed.

"Good I guess..." I choked out, the pain getting worse.

Madam Pompfrey noticed this and held her wand up, muttering something.

"Oh my." She said and went to her potions shelf, grabbing a light green potion and a dark purple one.

She handed me the green one first when she walked over, and I drank it nervously, then she handed me the purple one and I drank that too.

She raise her wand and muttered the same spell she did, sighing and placing her wand back on the table.

"Your baby girl is healthy dear." She said.

"Girl?" I whispered, turning to Tatum who looked as surprised as me.

"Yes Miss Riders, girl." Madam Pompfrey said sweetly.

I smiled.

"Thank you." I said to Madam Pompfrey.

"Of course."


The end of the year was approaching quickly, and I was excited to go back home.

I learnt that in the last match, as I had passed out and been severely injured, the two captains agreed on ending where we were, the Slytherins losing.

Ravenclaw still didn't end up making it past Gryffindor, who one by 20 points, and got second, Slytherins coming 3rd and Hufflepuff last.

Over the break before 7th year Tatum would be staying with me and my family, as I needed someone there while my parents were at work.

My parents and I had met up last weekend and I had told them the gender of the baby, so I expected they had already gone overboard getting things for her.

I also told them what I had been calling her, bear, and my mom informed me she couldn't use the nickname she had been calling me most of my life for her granddaughter as well as me.

My mom said she would call her bean instead of bear, so now my bear was also her bean.

I walked to where I was now staying, a room down the hall from Madam Pompfrey so she could check up on me.

It had a room for me, a bathroom, a small kitchen, and a nursery for when bear was born.

My parents and Headmaster Dumbledore had decided she would come to school with me, and during the day she would stay with Madam Pompfrey in the hospital wing.

Madam Pompfrey had a small nursery in her office for while I was at classes, and I would leave earlier to make sure she was okay, as well as eating lunch and dinner there.

It was going to be one hell of a year.

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