Chapter 19-Hogsmede

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Winter break was finally here and I was totally ready to go home to my house, a familiar place that didn't have many memories of Lilli, so I could take a break from all the stress.

My bags were packed and I spent my last day with Draco in hogsmede, walking down the path and admiring how beautiful it look around this time of year.

We made a few stops to get Christmas presents, I picked out a beautiful silky blue jacket for Tatum, a muggle storybook that (surprisingly) Hermione hadn't read already for Hermione, a stuffed bunny for Luna, a toy broom figure that flew around in your hand for Harry, a bracelet set for Ginny, and a hot cocoa set for Ron. I would have to find a time during break to get Draco a present, I thought to myself as we headed to the three broomsticks and sat down at a table with our butter beers in hand.

"So, what are you doing for Christmas Bri?" Draco asked, messing with the straw in his cup.

"I'll be at home, most likely trying to relax and honestly, I hate to admit this... But take a break from worrying about Lilli." I said, feeling wrong that I was saying that.

"Don't feel bad, we both need a break from the stress." He said, resting a hand on top of mine.

"So, what are you going to be doing for Christmas." I said, taking a sip of my drink.

"Probably just sitting around the house until my father notices me and makes me do something with him." He sighed, looking away.

Draco had told me about his father a bit in the time we had been getting closer, and how he wanted to be nothing like him with Lilli.

I nodded, looking at the clock above the bar.

"Shoot, we really should be getting back to the castle to get our stuff before we leave." I sighed, standing up and helping Draco up.

We walked back to the castle and I felt warm inside, happy for once since Lilli had disappeared.

Walking inside and to my dorm, Draco left me to go grab his bags and I walked inside to get mine.

As I entered, I noticed a letter sitting next to the window, which was open.

I looked out, seeing a small black owl flying off on the distance.

Weird I thought to myself as I carefully opened the envelope and unfolded the letter, reading it.

You must stop the searching for Lilliana at once or you will find yourself in terrible trouble. You don't want to know how far I'll go, Brinley Riders. Stop looking. You will not find her. She will only be returned if you meet our demands.

1, stay away from Draco.

2, we want the Music box you have.

~ ???

I dropped the letter, my eyes tearing up.

Who? Who had sent this.

I re-read the letter a few times.

Music box?

I tried to recall, but couldn't.

And then-

"The music box I got in first year?" I said out loud, confused.

I had almost forgot about the music box that I had gotten for Christmas that year, sent from someone anonymously.

I wiped my face, deciding to leave it alone for now.

I didn't know if the person who had sent this would actually do anything. I needed to go to Dumbledore.

I sighed, putting the letter into my bag carefully.

I was definitely not staying away from Draco, though. Not now. Not when I needed him.

I walked down the hallway to the Slytherin common room entrance to wait for Draco.

A few minutes after I arrived, I heard the door open and turned to see Draco walking out with his bags.

"Ready to go?" I asked, smiling softly.

He nodded, extending a hand which I took as we began to walk quicky down the hallway.

When we got to the train, Draco said goodbye to me as he had to go find a few people before we got back to platform 9 3/4 and wanted to get it done quickly.

I went off to find Tatum, Mione, Ginny, and Luna.


Ginny laughed, pointing at Ron's face.

We all turned and burst out laughing too.

He had "Carrot" written across his forehead.

We were in the middle of playing a game of the magic version of headbands. A word would appear in letters above the guessers head that only the other member of the game could see, but the guesser themselves would not be able to, even in a picture or mirror.

So far, Harry was winning.

Most of the words were foods, or muggle objects, so Harry and Hermione had advantages, having grown up in muggle houses, and Harry was winning because Hermione was terrible at figuring stuff out through actions and riddles.

"You get called it, Ron." Harry said, trying not to laugh at Ron's confused face at the burst of laughter.

"What- stupid?" He said, looking even more confused when everyone started laughing even more.

"No you idiot, your whole family has probably been called it. No offense, Ginny." Hermione said, smiling to herself as Ginny laughed as well.

"None taken."

"Uhm- carrot top?" He said, the word disappearing as he had said the word.

Ginny burst out laughing again, only being able to calm down after a few minutes.

We sat for a second, trying to think of what to do next, when there was a knock at the compartment door.

Getting up, I made my way over and pulled the blinds up a bit to see who was in the hallway.

I sighed, turning back to the group.

"I'll be back in a second you guys." I said, opening the door and slipping out as the others sat confused.

"Yes, Draco?" I said, smiling softly despite my annoyance of being interrupted.

Draco looked out of breath and hesitates before answering me.

"Dumbledore- Dumbledore thinks he knows where Lilliana is."

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