Chapter 10-Draco

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Today was Liliana's 1 month birthday, as I called it.

It wasn't technically special to anyone else, but it held special meaning to me.

After classes ended, I went to the hospital wing to pick her up from Madam Pompfrey.

I walked in, a goofy grin on my face like there usually was when I picked Lilli up, and Tatum followed.

Tatum was Lilli's official godmother and seemed to love her almost as much as I did.

I went to head over to the door to Madam Pompfrey's office before stopping, noticing the blonde boy sitting on one of the beds, reading a book.

Usually there wasn't anyone in the hospital wing when the day ended, and the few people who were there were younger students who didn't pay me any attention, or students who were sleeping.

Seeming to realize someone was staring at him, Draco looked up and straight at me, confused.

Tatum grabbed my arm and leaned toward to mumble into my ear: 'Ignore him Brin.' before walking to the office where Lilli was.

I couldn't bring myself to move.

Draco, Brinley's real father, was there while I was picking her up. He had also noticed me, and would probably glance up, even if only for a moment, when me and Tatum left.

Tatum still didn't know he was her real father and didn't pay attention enough to notice her particular shade of light-blonde hair.

I finally realized I should just ignore it and went to walk to the office too when Draco stopped me by calling out.

"Wait! Riders!" He said, and he probably would've grabbed me to stop me too if he wasn't injured.

I turned around.

"Yes, Malfoy?" I responded, not bothering to hide my annoyed tone.

"Why are you here? Are you ok?" He asked, and I swore I could see a flash of worry in his stormy-gray eyes.

"I'm fine Malfoy." I responded, turning around and ignore him when he called out to me again.

Tatum was holding Lilli when I walked in, who was babbling and smiling, and talking to Madam Pompfrey.

She noticed my presence immediately and waved me over.

"According to Madam Pompfrey, she was chatty today." Tatum said with an amused tone as she handed Liliana to me.

"Were you being friendly with Poppy, bear?" I asked, smiling and kissing her forehead.

Liliana only babbled in response.

"She was very chatty, and sweet as always." The nurse said, smiling at the three of us.

"Well, best be off to get her to lay down, she's been tired for a bit now."

As if proving her point, Lilli yawned and nuzzled into my chest, closing her eyes.

"Thank you again Poppy, for everything." I said, walking out, having totally forgot about Draco.

That is, until I saw him.

His eyes went wide and he stared at me, blinking. I could tell he obviously saw the resemblance in the small girl and himself, and Tatum stared confused at the two of us, as I had stopped immediately.

"What's going on?" She asked after a few more moments of silence.

"That- I- baby?" Was all the young Malfoy boy could make out.

I sighed, I owed both of them the truth and I could see that now.

I walked over to where Draco's bed was and sat in a chair next to it, looking over at Tatum and expecting her to join us.

I still had a now sleeping Lilli on my shoulder and I stroked her hair absentmindedly.

"I owe you both the truth." I started, holding up the hand that wasn't holding Lilli to Tatum and she closed her mouth.

And I explained it to them, every bit of it, from the night of the Christmas ball, to the lies I had told all my friends.

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