Chapter 12-Publicity

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I picked up Lilli and walked to the Great Hall.

Rumors had already got out about me having a kid, and I was pretty certain I had Draco and good friends to blame.

I didn't care anymore, it wouldn't change anything between me and my friends, besides Harry and Ron, as they already knew about me being pregnant, granted they had never met Lilli.

When I entered, only a few people we're paying attention, most being tired or talking with friends, but the few who were paying attention stopped what they were doing and nudged the people next to them, gesturing towards me.

I rolled my eyes and sat down at the Ravenclaw table with Tatum, setting Liliana in my lap.

She babbled and looked around at the people in the hall, smiling.

I picked up a piece of toast and ate, ignoring the stares until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around to see Harry, Ron, and Hermione, Harry being the one who had tapped my shoulder and Hermione giving me a sorry look.

"You didn't tell us you had a kid, or that you were pregnant even." Ron said angrily.

"I didn't know it was your business Ronald." I said, moving Lilli to my shoulder to lay down.

"It's not, but we're hurt you didn't tell us." Harry said sadly.

I rolled my eyes and got up, walking pad the boys to Hermione.

"Meet Liliana Grace Riders." I whispered, handing Lilli to her.

She smiled and rocked her back and forth, Lilli babbling and reaching out, laying a small hand on Hermione's face.

Hermione handed her back to me and I told her to bring Ron and Harry to my dorm after classes, letting her know to bring Ginny and Luna too if she could.

She nodded and grabbed both boys by their wrists, pulling them away from me.

I smiled and walked out of the Hall with Tatum following me, heading to the Headmaster's office to talk to him.

I mumbled the password and walked up into his office, not bothering to knock.

"Hello Miss Riders, nice to see you." He said, smiling.

"Hello Headmaster. I was wondering if I would be able to bring Lilli to classes, she's been giving Madam Pompfrey trouble when it comes to people getting hurt and needing her, because she can't take care of a baby and injured student at the same time." I said, sitting down in the seat by his desk.

"Very well then, as long as she is well behaved and doesn't cause much trouble in your classes." He nodded.

"Thank you." I said, getting up and walking to my first class of the day, transfiguration.

I sat down in my seat with Lilli on my lap, she was still smiling and was quiet, but I gave her a pacifier anyways.

When McGonagall walked in, she noticed the baby immediately but didn't say anything, just starting the lesson.

Today's lesson was on changing hair color fully, not just a strand like we had learned previously.

I successfully changed my hair from brown to blue almost immediately, smiling as Liliana looked up at me and was mesmerized by my new hair.

I carefully waved my wand, turning her hair a matching blue and she giggled, touching her own hair gently.


I brought Lilli back to my dorm for lunch, knowing she would be hungry, and also remembering how I had invited Haven to come over for lunch if she wished.

I sat Liliana in her high chair and grabbed a bottle, handing it to the fast developing girl who had begun already to hold the bottle by herself.

I heard a light knock, which I recognized as Havens, and opened the door.

The small girl hugged me and thanked me for letting her join me. I laughed and brought her to the kitchen, setting her on the counter and taking off the bandages on her wrist to change them.

She had been injured in a flying class yesterday and sprained her wrist, but Madam Pompfrey was busy with other students and I didn't know the spell to fix it, so I did it the muggle way.

I gently pressed on her wrist, making sure it was healing, and re-wrapped her wrist with a new bandage.

I grabbed a box of strawberries, which j had learned we're not only my favorite fruit but Havens as well, and dumped some into a bowl for her.

She sat in a chair next to Lilli and ate the strawberries as I made actual lunch, pizza.

Haven was used to pizza, being a Muggle-born, but I had only had the delicious food a few days ago when Tatum introduced it to me.

I handed Haven a slice and sat down on the counter myself, watching the two girls I loved most. My daughter, and my almost-daughter.

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