Chapter 3-Parents

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~Brinleys Perspective~

I didn't know what to think when the doctor told me that I was pregnant, but Tatum did apparently. She immediately turned to me and asked if it was Mason's, or if I had done something with someone that she was unaware about.

'Who's Ma- wait.' I thought

I forgot I had told her that Mason was the one I had been with after the winters ball, and I didn't want to tell her otherwise now.

"Yeah, but I think he left Hogwarts..."I responded

"Oh, ok..."

I could tell she didn't fully believe me, but she shut up anyways.


We went back home and I waited nervously in the living room for my parents to get back from work, glancing up at the clock that showed where we all were at the time.

I was thinking about what I was gonna do with this- could I really kill an innocent child? Even if it wasn't really alive just yet.

I don't think I could.

But then again, I still have my last year of Hogwarts, and with the dark lord back, I was scared of what could happen raising the child. I didn't want them to grow up like Harry did...

I glanced back up at the clock and saw my mum and dads picture had moved from "Work" to "Home" and I called out to Tatum who was in the kitchen.


She walked out with tea and cookies.

As soon as she sat down, I looked up at the door and my parents walked in.

"So, mum, dad..."

They immediately looked very suspicious.

"Bear..?" My mum asked, nervously "What's all this for?"

Bear was a nickname my mum gave me as a kid, when I was obsessed with a bear onesie I got for Christmas one year. I never wanted to take it off, and would cry when she had to wash it.

"Well uhm... Can you guys sit down so we can talk?"

They sat down hesitantly.

"So uh, I've been sick all this week, as I bet Tatum has told you." They nodded "So she took me to the doctors today and... I'm pregnant.."

They're eyes went wide and I tried to identify any hint of anger or disappointment.

What I found from mum was a bit of surprise and shock, slightly disappointed. And dad was basically the same, but I could see he wanted to know who I had gotten pregnant with.

"Bear, how did this happen..?"

"So at the ball a few weeks ago, I kinda got taken away from the ball after spilling punch in my dress and I left with Dr-" I stopped looked over at Tatum, remembering the story I told her. "Mason, and he gave me his shirt to wear and things escalated...."

My parents expression was still about the same.

"So what do you want to do with... Y'know..." My mum asked, moving to sit next to me instead of across and gently hugging me.

"Well uhm... I don't know... With my 7th year at Hogwarts next year, and still the rest of this year... Plus with he-who-shall-not-be-named back, I think it may be dangerous to raise a child... But I want to try..." I said, trying to hold back tears at the fear my parents wouldn't support me.

"Ok bear... Me and your father will be here every step of the way." My mum said

"Me too" Tatum said. I had almost forgotten she was there too.

"Thank you guys.... So much..." I said, hugging them.


A few weeks later we went back to Hogwarts. I still was only about a month pregnant, so no bump for now, and I had not to long left of school.

My mum said that 9 months would be right around the start of 7th year, so I would have to miss a month or two, then I would go to Hogwarts again.

I had decided to tell my friends in person, rather than a letter, so they were clueless, and as I stepped into the train me and Tatum went to find them.

We reached out compartment and I stepped in, looking at who all was there already. Luna, Hermione, and Ginny, who said Harry and Ron had gone to change early so they wouldn't bump into anyone changing towards the end.

I didn't really feel like Ron and Harry needed to know, plus it anything I would tell them later.

"So, uhm... I need to tell you guys something..." I said, closing the door after Tatum walked in and closing the shutters.


Another update today, yay :) I had nothing to do and have no life.

As always, let me know if you have any suggestions. And make sure to vote (it's the small star in the corner) it'll make my day.


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