Chapter 7-In summer

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~Brinleys Perspective~

It was now a few weeks into summer break and I was sitting at home on the couch.

Tatum was making breakfast and I was reading a book.

Since Hogwarts had ended, Tatum had been sleeping in one of our spare rooms she'd stayed in since first year Christmas break when she came over for a year.

Tatum walked in and handed me a bowl of strawberries.

"Here Brin, strawberries for you and bear." She said, smiling softly.

I had been craving strawberries.

"Thank you so much Tatum." I said, eating one.

She walked back to the kitchen and brought me a glass of orange juice as well.

I was almost 9 months pregnant and my parents didn't let me go anywhere without them or Tatum, not even around the house.

They wanted me to limit how much I moved and did.

I didn't blame them. I knew how protective they were of me my whole life and now they were as protective with bear as they were me.

Before they had me, they had tried to get pregnant so many times. They did get pregnant a few times, twice actually.

The first time, my mom had a miscarriage due to stress from her old job. The second time the baby died at birth.

When they had finally had me, they protected me with there lives. I was never really allowed to go out by myself as a kid. I had to stay close to home and if I wanted to hang out with friends my parents always made sure there was an adult there and that they met said adult.

"BRINLEY MAE RIDERS ANSWER ME RIGHT NOW!" I heard Tatum shout, bringing me back to reality.

"Sorry Tatum I spaced out..." I said.

"It's okay, I asked if you wanted anything else?"

"Oh, could I have a blanket it's freezing in here." I said.

"Brin it's literally like 90 degrees in here." She said, confused.

"Well I'm cold!" I said, picking up a strawberry and putting it in my mouth.

"Okay okay I'll get a blanket."

I smiled.

"Thank you Tatum."

"Your welcome, darling." Tatum said, smiling and bowing.

She left the room to get a blanket.

The baby's due date is only in a week or two, July 26th. I was tired of not being able to do anything.

I stared at the clock on the wall that said my parents were at work. They would be home soon and then we were going to a doctors appointment to check up on bear.

Last time the doctors had said she was healthy and fine, and I expect the same this time. Bear was a strong, healthy baby and I knew that.

I was too busy watching the clock to realize Tatum was back.

"Brinley! Brinley!" Tatum yelled, getting my attention.

"Here, I brought a blanket." She said, handing it to me.

"Thanks." I said.

I grabbed the blanket and my eyes went wide as I felt liquid between my legs.

"Uh... Tatum..." I said, glancing up.

"Yes?" She asked.

"I think my water just broke." I said.

Tatum's eyes went wide.


Tatum had taken me to St. Mungos and sent an owl to my parents.

I sat in a room with a doctor who was talking to me, but I was barely paying attention.

I was waiting for my parents.

"-so you can only have one person in your room when you go into labor." She concluded, smiling.

"Ok... I want my mum in here." I said, glancing at the door.

"Ok. I'm going to go really quick, I'll be right back dear." She said, leaving the room.

"Tatum?" I asked.

"Yeah?" She said, turning around from the window she had been staring out.

"Promise you'll help with bear?" I asked.

"Of course. Always." She said, sitting in the chair next to my bed.

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