Chapter 1

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I'm very happy everything was back to normal. About the next day after I found the picture everyone went back to their repective covens, with the promise to keep in contact. Since then I have put the picturer aside to enjoy the little things. Weeks pass and my little Renessme grows up faster everyday. She is growing to be a beautiful women day by day, which makes me wonder did Aro ever have any children before he was human but he just couldn't see her? Or did she die? Is she the person Aro kept with him everywhere? But I have to be content with never knowing. I mean the only person that would know anything would be Carlise . . . no I cannot ask him. He does not like to think back top his Voultori days. But at the same time he would know all about this, being as Carlise was like a brother to them. I must give the matter more thought I tell myself as i return from getting a drink of water, to play with my daughter before she grows up.

It was a few days later when I could get Carlisle alone to ask him about this. Edward, Alice, and Jasper went away to go and do some business with Esme. Apparently it was not dangerous, but they had to go and see thier grandma. He was in the kitchen and no one was around so here goes nothing. I go in and walk up to him.

"Hey Carlisle can I talk to you a minute?" I asked a little nervously.

He stopped what he was doing and looked up at me. "Yes Bella anything for you, what's up?"

"A few weeks ago when the Voultori were leaving, more when Aro was leaving, he dropped something. Later that night I went back to go and see what he dropped, and I found a picture." I pulled out the picture from my pocket and handed it to him. "And I wanted to know who that girl is."

Carlisle took the picture and examined it. His eyes lit up and then instantly went back to normal. I could tell he knew something, at least on who she was. So I was either going to get the answer or I was not. He then said, as if defending this, "Why do you want to know who this is?"

I was not expecting that, and I didn't really know how to answer that question. "Um, I just found the picture and I was just wondering who that girl is? I just thought if it was someone lost that is important to him she can be found?"

He looked at me with understanding but then warned, "Bella it's best not to ask about her."

"Why not? Who is she?" Apparently he is not going to give anyt answers.

"Let's just say she is and old friend of his, and someone you will never meet." After he said that he practiaclly ran out of the room, as if the picture was posionous. What is wrong with this girl? This only confirms my suspision that she must play a very important role in Aro's life.

Well that was rude, "Okay, thank you?"

I ended up just walking away and back to my house. I cannot shake off why he will not tell me about her. I sat there and thought of something as I fed my child her dinner, I know If he won't tell me then no one will tell me. So I guess to find out I have to go to Aro and ask him myself.

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