Chapter 8

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We were now on our way to what I just found out we are going to the one and only Hoisin house, which is located in Paris. I always wanted to go to Paris, but not to just find another vampire though, so it is kind of a bummer. But anyway, the sites are great and I wish to come back here later on, or at least when Renesmee is all grown up. We went from car to plane, to another car in a matter of a day. Pretty impressive. 

The whole time everyone was quiet, but you could tell what they all were thinking. It was fun watching their expressions every time they thought of something new in their heads. Renesmee was very good as always. I could not have asked for a better child. She fell asleep a little while ago with her head on my lap. Tensions were high between Carlise and the Voltori brothers. They kept giving him death glares. Carlise just ignored it, being as he was use to it, becuase he was once Aro's favorite. 

As we pull up Caius looks as if he is getting ready for a fight. But honestly I'm just excited to finally meet this girl I've tried so hard to find out about. We all get out of the car one by one.

"This place hasn't changed much." Said Caius with a scowl on his face.

Marcus nods at him, "Lets get this over with."

As they started walking we all followed. We walked up to this really nice big red door with a huge knocker on it. But sadly they didn't use that, they used the door bell beside it. A very tall, tan, looking man answered the door.

"Yes?" He said looking over who was here.

"We are here to see Peter." Marcus said.

The man nodded his head and opened the door further for us to all enter. He stood to the side of it and once we all entered I could hear music. This music sounded not for a ball but a celebration? What was there to celebrate? Once everyone has entered he walked in front of us.

"Follow me." He said. So we did. This man was big and scary but didn't come off as a rude person so I guess that's good. As I walked through the halls I notice the lovely art on the walls. The lovely sculptures. The entire place was made out of white marble with floors to match. We all stopped before then the butler guy turned and looked at us.

"Wait here." He then leaves through the door.

We all look at each other except for Caius. He keeps looking at the door but mumbles, "What pathetic people no art that is any other color but white and marble."

He is such a downer before I could say a word to Renesme, who was holding my hand, the door opened back up. There stood that same man again.

"The master will see you now." He then turned around and started walking. Of course we followed, again.

There definitely was a party going on because as we entered everyone stopped and starred but didn't say a word to us. Only whispers among themselves. We stopped in front of a very big stage where I could see the singer just looking at us.

"Well well well, look who came back crawling to our side." A man said from behind us.

We all turned and saw that there was a big balcony where this man was sitting. It must be a great view. To be up in the air, and then sit in front of the stage dude, that must be awesome. The man stood on the ledge and then floated down very gracefully, as if he was flying.

"Now, how may I be of service?" He asked fixing himself.

Caius pushed his way to the front. "We have a problem." Then Cauis mouthed something to him I could not quite catch. 

This guys eyes grew wide. "Everyone go on and continue with the festivities." The music begins again and everything goes on as normal. "What do you mean?"

"He knows." They both grew wide eyed. "Does she . . ."

"Yes she still believes he is." Caius let's out a sigh of relief. "But why are you guys here though? So he knows? What did he . . .? . . . oh." He grew wide eyes again.

Marcus shook his head yes when the man looked at him for a confirmation. We just all stood there. The man than looked at Carlisle.

"Lovely to see you again Carlisle." He walks over to him.

"Pleasure is all mine." They shake hands and smile.

"He is the one who let the cat out of the bag." Caius told him gesturing toward Carlisle.

He looks at Carlisle, "Is this true?" He shakes his head yes. "Why?"

"I felt that it was time for them or well him to know. He can't always wonder to himself 'what if' and be stuck with sadness his whole life..."

"I feel yah. I was thinking about telling her myself but not just yet. And I cannot let you guys see her. I'm sorry."

They all nods their heads now it's my time to speak up. "Now wait a minute!" They all look at me. "This all started because of me and I came all this way to meet her. Now if we tell her or not I want to meet her and ask her a question."

"No I'm afraid that cannot happen she is resting. We don't let people see her much. I'm sorry."

"But . . ."

"No. Thank you for the warning you must be going."

A women walks over to this man. "Brother what is going on?" She asked looking at him then glaring at us.

"They are here to see Emma."

She looks at us and realizes why, "I'm sorry I will not allow that. She is resting."

"I already told them that. They were just leaving."

Out of no where we hear a voice that was very pretty angelic voice, you could tell it was a girl who sounded no more than sixteen. It rang throughout the hall. Everyone stopped what they were doing and just bowed. The voice said, "Did someone want to see me brother?"

We all look around, except everyone else, looking for the person to this voice. Her brother answered, "No not at all."

"I know when your lying brother. Who wants to see me?"

"No one." He assured her.

"Ok since you won't tell me ill just have to come down myself."

A big gush of wind came out of no where and everyone continued to be in their bowed stance. The wind stopped and we all turned around and faced the stage. We then see a girl in a long flowing elegant regency dress fly down from what seemed like the ceiling. She too, like her brother, floated down gracefully. Arms at full extent as she landed on the stage. She put her arms down. We were all mesmerized by her. She was so stunning. Her hair up in the same bun as is in the photo I found. For someone who was very rich and beautiful she was very plain. She has a great figure. Hair that looks gold and a polite looking face. She must have every man throwing themselves at her everyday. After she regroups from flying she looks at us the guests and smiles.

"Hi, I'm Emma."

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