Chapter 9

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"Hi, I'm Emma. Now brother they wanted to see me why did you lie?" He said nothing. "Now, How can I help you?" She said as she descended the stairs from the stage.

As everyone gets up from their bowing the party continues on as planned. I move forward, "Hi I'm Bella. And this is my daughter Renesmee."

I gestured to her but when I got to the last three she already knew them and glared at the two. Carlisle moved forward.

"Remember me Emma?"

"Of course I do Carlisle. How are you?" She hugs him. "Of course I do. Brother how could you try to hide this from me?"

"You were sleeping." He answers.

"Doesn't matter I will always make time for old friends." And she said all of this without letting a smile leave her face. Even when she looked at the other two and acknowledged them. She hated them we all knew but she never showed it, too much. She looked at me and my little girl. She smiled at all of us.

"Ah, fresh meat." She giggled, we could not tell if she was kidding or not, but by the way she was laughing I would have to say she was, so we laughed along with her. "Sorry just a fun little vampire joke I thought I would try oout on you, but seeing as I am a witch, it does not work well."

"Well were are my brothers manners? My brother is named Peter and next to him is my sister Emily." She gestures to all of them. Then notices that there is a party going on. "We shall all talk and get to know one another later, for now, enjoy the party!" She smiled and motioned us to go ahead.

We all smiled and did as she wished. As me and my daughter were walking she stops us by calling my daughters name. We turn and look at her. She motions for Renesmee to come to her. She looks up at me and I nod my head in allowance. I watch as my daughter walks over to her. I then move on to find some food. 

When Renesmee got to her she took her hand.

She looks down at her, "Come walk with me?"

Renesmee shakes her head yes, and smiles just the same. They walk around the party and to this day I have no idea what they were talking about. They ended up talking for hours. Renesme I can tell was reading her mind and was now more comfortable with being around her.

"So this Jacob you mentioned, does he treat you good?"

"Very well. Mom says that one day Jacob will be my husband. Don't you have a husband?"

"Haven't you been listening to what all the others are talking about?"

"I do not like to listen in on others conversations...." Renesmee said. Emma giggles.

"I admire you Renesmee. You remind me of a lot younger me, but with a lot more fame."

"Fame?" She asked.

"Yes, fame. You see once you were born everyone from the fairies to the wore locks have heard about you. And want to meet you. That's because we have all learned that there was child that is of mixed bread. They are not a very common thing. And when one does come along we must protect it and preserve it..." She said as if her mind was in a different state.

"Really me?" Emma giggles.

She kneels down to her level. "Yes you. And I get the honor of meeting you." Emma smiles, then gets an idea. "I have a present for you."

Renesmee gets excited. "What is it?"

Emma smiles a mischievous smile, "I am going to give you two wishes."

"Wait I thought only genies give wishes?"

"There are no such things as genies. Witches are as close to them as you can get. And these wishes can be anything you want them to be. And can be used when ever you want."

"Why are you giving me them?"

"Because I want too." she smiles.

Renesmee hugs her and thanks her. Emma hugs her back.

"Now let's get you back to your mother." They smile.

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