Chapter 2

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It was not long until I was now on a plane heading to Italy. I had left Renesme with Jacob so I know she will be well looked after. The plane ride was so very long or at least it felt like that. I guess this could be becuase I was really nervous and about to face Aro agian and finally get the answers I hate been looking for. I guess I just wanted to know about this girl so bad. Honestly I do not know why I'm so fascinated but I am, its like a mystery I have to solve. When we finally landed it was very hard to get a taxi but I finally got one. It took me right to the palace that I remembered from a long time ago. I guess I was admiring the building for too long because I was holding up the tour group. So when I moved out of their way I got dirty looks as some passed. I just slipped in right behind them.

I couldn't help but laugh as I walked past some of the people who worked there. That was only because no one had any idea that most of the people in here were vampires. We came to these big doors I remember from back then too. When they opened sure enough there sat Marcus, Ciaus, and of course Aro in the middle. They noticed I was here but quickly forgot because dinner was served. I turned around because I did not want to see this part. All I heard was a lot of screaming and slurping. I could tell it was all done, because I turned around to see if it was. They were back at their original places up the stairs in the chairs.

I noticed once again that I was there and Aro smiled, that very creepy smile.

"Ah Bella, how may we be of service to you today?" Aro greeted.

I looked at the other two and one had nothing but anger written on his face, and the other looked like he was full of dispare. I then decided to just come out and ask softly.

I started walking up to the stairs. "Aro a couple weeks ago, at our last meeting, you dropped something when you left." I told him.

He looked at me with a confused expression but still with a smile. "What is this something?"

I walked up the stairs, while doing so I took out the picture from my pocket. When I was finally standing in front of him I handed it out to him. He looked down. "This." I said.

When he saw what it was he was in shock but at the same time was relieved. He snatched it out of my hand and then put it back in his pocket. He saw that I was still standing there. He looked at me confused again.

"Is there something else I could help you with?" he asked.

"Yes, Aro. Who is she?" I asked.

Both his brothers growled very loud, Aro noticed.

"Brothers will you please excuse us?" He looked at each of them forcefully. They nodded then left the room, leaving Aro and I alone.

He got up out of his seat and motioned for me to follow him over to a window. I noticed that he did not even look at me but, he seemed to notice the sun setting for the most part.

"Her name was Emma." He said after a while. I did not say anything becuase I felt like he was going to continue. 

"I met her at a ball one night. I knew from the first instinct that she was my mate. The ball itself consisted of werewolves, vampires, warlocks, witches, wizards, every mystical creature you could think of. She comes from a long line of witches and wizards . . ."

I interupted, "Witches? Actual Witches? They exsist?"

He took a deep breath, "They do."

"Are they like the ones from Harry Potter?"

"What is that?"

"Nevermind. What are they like?"

"They are very beautiful and timely people. They can cast spells just with a snap of thier fingers, or a twitch in thier eye, invent potions, but rhey can be very sneaky and very secretive, which is why they live in isolation. There is a great number of them, mainly becuase they can live for centuries at a time before aging one year for humans. What is one year for humans is ten centuries for them and ten centuries for them is one year. We have a peace treaty with them. Which is why you do not see them."

"Oh okay. So what happened?" She asked. 

"We got to know each other over many centuries. We had to meet in secret. Then we were not allowed to see each other again. Thats all." He said not even looking at me. I saw it hurt him to talk about her so I didn't press any further.

But I did ask, "Why weren't you allowed to see her again?"

He didn't say anything but was interrupted by his brothers barging in the room. "We said he couldn't."

"I should have known, but why?" I asked, with digust.

"It interfered with his work, we could not have that so we put a stop to it." They told me simply.

"But. . ."

I was interrupted by Aro this time which shocked me, "Just go Bella." Still looking in the same spot.

I didnt want to argue, I could see he was really sad so I just left. But not before giving his "brothers" a dirty look.

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