Revised: December 21, 2021
Summary: Another day, another article
The owl flew in and dropped the newspapers in front of Albus Dumbledore. The headmaster braced himself; he could only hope Rita Skeeter hadn't written anything else. Unfortunately, as he quickly found out, he was wrong.
Albus slowly began to read, his heart sinking with each word. He had tried so hard to push aside the guilt of his sister's death, but now it was coming back full force like a tsunami. To make matters worse, it was his brother, Aberforth, who had spoken up, stating he was ready for retribution for hiding it for so long. He hadn't come forward before due to Albus' high reputation, but now he felt Albus would pay the price just as harshly. He gave more insight on Albus' relationship with Grindelwald as well, which Albus was not happy about.
Albus threw the Daily Prophet down, knocking over his bowl of lemon drops. Above him, Fawkes squawked indignantly, but Albus did not even look at him. He left the school and went straight to Hogsmeade.
At this time of the day, the Hog's Head didn't have that many people inside. Albus made a beeline for the counter, faltering when Aberforth scowled at him.
"I know why you're here, Albus," he said before Albus could speak, "and nothing you say will make a difference. So leave."
But Albus rarely did what anyone told him, least of all his younger brother. "How could you?" he demanded.
Aberforth's scowl deepened. "How could I what? Tell the truth? It was bound to get out eventually."
"And it had to be from you?" said Albus.
"Well, it certainly wasn't going to be from you," Aberforth shot back. "Or Ariana since she's dead."
His harsh words made Albus flinch, but he barreled on. "This is going to ruin my reputation."
Aberforth let out a sardonic laugh. "Ruin his reputation, he says. Have you forgotten what you've done to Harry Potter?"
"It wasn't that bad."
His weak defense didn't help Aberforth's growing temper. "His relatives hated him. I'm surprised he doesn't hate all Muggles for that."
Albus stiffened.
"You know something else," Aberforth noted, blue eyes narrowed. "I'm not going to press it, but when the public finds out —"
"I have done nothing wrong."
"— I will not help you," Aberforth finished.
"I'm your brother!" Albus protested.
Aberforth didn't waver. "We share the same parents. That is all. Now go. I do not wish to be associated with you any more than necessary."
Albus stared at Aberforth for several seconds before nodding. "Very well," he said, disappointment lacing his voice. "But when the dark lord returns, you will regret this."
Aberforth still didn't waver, just regarded Albus with a cold stare.
With that said, Albus turned and exited the Hog's Head. And by the next morning, the Howlers were back.
Tom let out a grunt as Harry flopped onto his lap.
"I'm bored."
"And you're going to make my legs numb. Get off." Tom nudged Harry's shoulder, but the stubborn git latched onto his leg.

A Little Help from a Snake // Tomarry
Fanfiction(Aka the Tomalongadingdong™ fic) It was a normal day for Harry. He woke up, made breakfast for his relatives, ate some leftovers, and went out to do the chores set for him. Then it all changed when he accidentally disturbed a snake in the grass. Ple...