Part 39

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Reposted: November 27, 2021


Summary: Fourth year has begun

"I don't wanna go," Harry mumbled, burrowing further into Tom's side.

"I don't want you to go, either," Tom said, fighting the urge to lie back down and never get up again. "But aren't you interested in what they're doing this year?"


"Fair enough, but you're still going." Tom began to get out of bed.

Harry sighed and followed suit, making no further protests until it was time to leave. Then he latched back onto Tom.

"We can talk through the mirrors," Tom reminded him.

"It won't be the same. You won't be too bored without me, will you?"

"Course he won't," Sirius said, coming up in time to hear his question. "You're not the only one trying to get an education." Tom still needed to take his N.E.W.T.s since he was still a sixth year. It wouldn't take long for him to catch up, especially given the Black library. They were hoping to be done by the spring.

Sirius threw an arm around Tom's shoulders. "Just think. We could talk about how annoying our mates are."

"I would rather do that with Remus," Tom muttered. Unfortunately for him— and fortunately for Harry— Remus would be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts again.

The Board of Governors had been reluctant to allow him to return, but many parents spoke in his defense, saying that he was in a controlled environment that would prevent him from hurting anyone. It helped that Severus had made Slytherin's Wolfsbane public.

"You ready, Harry?" Sirius said.

"Yes." Harry gave Tom a quick kiss and followed Sirius out the door. They reached the gates and Apparated to King's Cross.

"So will you tell me what's going on?" Ever since he had gotten his dress robes, he had been trying to get them to spill the beans.

Sirius shook his head. "Sorry, pup. You're just gonna have to wait until tonight."

"Fine. I'll mirror-call you after dinner. Bye."

"Say hi to Moony for me."

"I will if you tell me what—" Harry began.

"Nice try. Get moving."

With a very dramatic groan, Harry gave up and climbed onto the train. He found Draco, Pansy, and Tracey in their usual compartment and took a seat.

"Hi, Harry," Pansy said.

"Hello, Pansy." He turned to Tracey. "Your ankle all right?"

"All better now, thank you. Just a simple Ferula and I could walk without limping."

The rain, which had started early that morning, grew heavier, darkening the sky more and more as the train moved farther north. The lunch trolley came rattling along the corridor, and the Slytherins bought an assortment of food off it.

"Do any of you know what's happening this year?" Harry asked as he took a bite of a Cauldron Cake.

Pansy and Tracey shook their heads.

"You don't know?" Draco said, eyes lighting up gleefully. "My father told me about it ages ago... heard it from Cornelius Fudge."

"What is it?" Pansy demanded.

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