Part 68

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Reposted: January 28, 2022


Summary: Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes has opened up.

Tom wasn't the only one looking forward to Harry's birthday. Sirius and Bella blurted out ideas during mealtimes and often cornered Harry or Tom for their opinion on a particular subject. Remus and Barty spent a lot of their time reeling them in. And other times adding their own suggestions, prompting Sirius and Bella to reel them in.

"How many of your friends will you be inviting?" Sirius asked.

"All of them. But if they can't make it, no hard feelings," Harry said. "Not Tracey, though," he added jokingly. "I wonder what she's doing right now."

"Swearing up a storm because you're unavailable?" Tom guessed.


At that moment, Tracey was indeed swearing up a storm... because she stubbed her toe. Stupid dresser.

Harry kept checking the Daily Prophet, but hardly anything caught his eye. One of the shops in Diagon Alley had been remodeled. A Muggle in Ireland had to be Obliviated because a wizard had unknowingly performed a Levitating Charm in front of him.

So far, the news that received the biggest reaction was that Igor Karkaroff had been removed from the headmaster's post in Durmstrang.

"Does it say why?" Harry asked Barty, who had been the one to bring attention to it.

"Let's see..." Barty skimmed the page. "Nope. Pretty evasive. Oh, your friends apparently had bought premises in Diagon Alley." He handed Harry the papers.

Sure enough, toward the back of the papers was a picture of Fred and George smiling as they stood in front of their shop, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. They were wearing new magenta robes that clashed with their flaming hair.

Dobby popped in with a letter in his hand. "From the Wheezys," he said before leaving again.

"I'm guessing it's about the shop," Tom said as Harry opened it.

"Yep," Harry confirmed. "They invited us to come see. Can we go?" he asked Remus.

"I don't see why not. But I won't be going today." Remus yawned. The full moon was approaching rapidly.

"Bella? Barty?"

"Can't. I lost a bet with Azure," Barty said, not looking particularly thrilled at this.

"Tough," Tom said, wincing.

Harry snorted. "I warned you, Azure's gotten really good at chess for a snake."

Barty glowered at him. He didn't need a reminder. It was bad enough Azure was poking her head over the table from the seat across from him, hissing tauntingly.

"Well, if we're gonna go, let's go." Sirius kissed Remus quickly and stood up.

Bella patted Barty's arm sympathetically. "I'll stay with you."

"Thanks." Barty looked a little more cheerful.

Diagon Alley didn't have many people this early in the morning. The exception was the Weasleys' shop, which had people clustered around the windows.

The left-handed one was full of a variety of goods. On the other, a poster flashing with yellow letters.

No Need To Worry About You-Know-Who
You SHOULD Be Worrying About U-NO-POO
the Constipation Sensation That's Gripping the Nation!

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