34: A Serious Discussion About Gas

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Reposted: November 19, 2021


Summary: the end of third year; Harry's first night at Black Manor

The remainder of the year seemed to fly by and before anyone knew it, the exams were upon them. Harry quite enjoyed Remus' exam, which was an obstacle course filled with the creatures they have learned throughout the year, and finished with full marks.

Draco was next, and when he emerged from the trunk that contained the Boggart, Harry's first question was: "Was it an empty bottle of hair gel?"

"No, it was conditioner," Draco shot back as they began to walk back inside.

"Darn. I owe Pansy a Galleon," Harry said, snapping his fingers.

"You are insufferable."

"Love you, too, Dray."

Throughout dinner on Friday, the main topic seemed to be of the exams. One first year fretted over her pineapple falling off the desk before it could dance properly. A fifth year at the Hufflepuff table was wondering why knowing all of Jupiter's moons would have any impact on their career. Over in Ravenclaw, Harry heard someone say they got the dates all mixed up for the goblin wars. He couldn't hear what the Gryffindors were saying, but Oliver Wood looked disgruntled, probably at the fact that Slytherin had won the Quidditch Cup once more.

There were no Dementors to disrupt the cheerful atmosphere of the Hogwarts Express. Harry, Pansy, Draco, and Tracey played a few games of Exploding Snap.

"Oh, before I forget," Draco said suddenly, "the Quidditch World Cup is this summer. Are any of you going?"

"That sounds like fun," Harry said. It would be a great bonding experience with his family.

"I'll have to ask my dad," Tracey said, not sounding completely convinced. "Pansy?"

She nodded. "Most definitely. Especially since Britain is hosting this year."

Their compartment door slid open. The twins poked their heads in.

"Weasleys!" Draco said. "What are you doing here?"

"We just wanted to ask Harry a question," George said. "Nothing major."

"Actually, it's very major," Fred corrected. "Not one bit of mischief anywhere."

"You can even say it's managed for once."

Harry raised an eyebrow. "You figured it out? How?"

"Simple." George plopped down next to him. "Professor Lupin is a werewolf."

"And we've heard him muttering something about pads more than once," Fred added.

"Not to mention, he seems to know exactly how our minds work."

"So, Harry, is Lupin a Marauder?"

"He most certainly is," Harry confirmed.

"And Padfoot?"

"Is Sirius Black. My dad was Prongs."

"We bow to your greatness!" George got down onto the floor and groveled at his feet.

"What about Wormtail?" Fred asked.

Harry's amusement vanished. "Take a guess."

George lifted his head. "He was that guy, huh?"

"As opposed to this guy," Fred said, jabbing a finger in Draco's direction.

"Or the guy in the next compartment. Or the next. Or the one across. Perhaps it's—"

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