Reposted: December 15, 2021
The end of year exams came and went, and Harry soon found himself sitting in the stands, staring at the large hedges that made up the maze.
Ludo Bagman blew his whistle, and Cedric entered the maze. A few minutes later, Krum disappeared, then Fleur later still.
"This is just like the second task. We can't see anything," Harry whispered to Draco.
"Stop complaining and watch."
Harry shrugged. Whether he complained or not, he was sure he would be bored. He caught sight of Dumbledore looking around expectantly and withheld a smirk. If Dumbledore thought something extraordinary was going to happen, he was going to sorely disappointed.
Albus Dumbledore sighed in frustration. He was so certain Voldemort was going to make his move, yet thirty minutes have gone. Forty-five minutes, still nothing. An hour... another ten minutes...
Cedric suddenly appeared in the grass, the Triwizard Cup in his hands.
The Hufflepuffs cheered. Amos Diggory ran down to hug his son, Cho Chang following close behind. She kissed Cedric enthusiastically as Amos thumped him on the back.
Fleur and Krum were brought out. They didn't look too unhappy they have lost. In fact, Krum gave Cedric a short nod. Fleur was clapping for her fellow champion, her white teeth gleaming.
"Looks like Diggory isn't just pretty looks," Pansy said.
"He's the Hogwarts champion," Tracey reprimanded her. "At least try to be supportive."
The champions went to get cleaned up, while the rest of the schools headed for the Great Hall, still chattering among themselves.
"So two-thirds of the Triwizard Tournament happened out of sight of the audience and we're still talking about how exciting it was."
Harry set the jar of scar ointment into the box in front of him and turned to grab another.
"I mean, I'm happy for the Hufflepuffs, but do they have to crowd the hallways so damn much?" Harry went on. "They're taking you way too much space."
"Like you take up an entire couch in the common room?" Severus said dryly.
"I do not take up an entire couch!" Harry protested.
"Right, it's you and that little snake of yours," Severus retorted.
"That little snake of mine gave you that delightful nickname, Sevvie. And don't you forget it," Harry said sternly, wagging a finger at him.
Severus groaned. Even an Obliviate wouldn't be enough to make him forget that wretched nickname.
"You know, now that you're a Marauder, you should really have a nickname to reflect it. Let's see, you like potions. We can call you Smells."
Severus shuddered.
"No?" Harry scratched his head. "How about Batty?" he suggested, looking at his cloak.
"You and your shitty names for things," Severus muttered. He clapped a hand over his face when he realized what he said. "Great, Remus is rubbing off on me."
Harry's eyes had gone very wide. "I am so telling Remus and Sirius this."
Severus shot him a scorching glare.
Harry raised his hands defensively. "Fine, I won't tell them. Promise." He turned his attention to a jar of burn-healing paste. 'Eugh, this reeks. What do you think, Azure?'

A Little Help from a Snake // Tomarry
Fanfiction(Aka the Tomalongadingdong™ fic) It was a normal day for Harry. He woke up, made breakfast for his relatives, ate some leftovers, and went out to do the chores set for him. Then it all changed when he accidentally disturbed a snake in the grass. Ple...