Part 40

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Reposted: November 28, 2021

Last edited: May 9, 2022 (just one line)


Summary: Harry is in this chapter. So are other people.

"And one of them decided its arse wasn't good enough and blew it off!" Harry groaned, waving his arms around haphazardly.

It was two weeks into the first term. He was sitting in Remus' office telling Remus of all the horrible (not really) things that have transpired so far.

"Well, they aren't called Blast-Ended Skrewts for nothing," Remus pointed out.

"I suppose it's better than Butt Poppers," Harry muttered.

"Butt popp...? Tom was right. You are terrible at naming things."

"What about your parents?" Harry shot back. "They literally named you Wolfy McWerewolf."

"They did, didn't they?" Remus grumbled ruefully. "James and Sirius used to tease me about it all the time."

"And Sirius is the Dog Star. His Animagus form is a dog." Harry rubbed his face with his hands. "Anyone else with coincidental names?"

"Dumbledore has 'dumb' in his name."

"Perfect." Harry went silent for a moment, leg bouncing restlessly. "I heard you took Neville Longbottom to get a new wand. What was that all about?"

"I recognized the wand he had been using as his father's," Remus told him.

"Wait. You mean he's been using a wand that wasn't right for him?" Harry said. "But the wand chooses the wizard."

"His grandmother gave it to him. I do not know why, but what's important is that he has a better wand."

Thanks to Remus' sharp eyes, Neville was doing much better. He didn't ask Hermione for help as much as he used to, and even Potions, a subject he struggled with, couldn't completely dampen his spirits.

"Better late than never," Harry remarked, fiddling with his own wand. Ollivander had said it shared the same wand core as Voldemort's— phoenix feather. Interestingly enough, when Tom had gone to purchase a new wand, he ended up getting it, too. The only difference was the wand was made of ebony instead of yew.

If Ollivander had known who Tom was, and he most likely did, he hadn't said anything. One, because Sirius made him take a Vow to not share their visit to anyone in any form. And two, this was Ollivander; he seemed to have unworldly knowledge on everyone.

"The elves have finally found the wizard from the Quidditch Cup," Remus announced.

"Oh?" Harry perked up. "Who was it?"

"Barty Crouch Jr."

"But he's dead."

"Obviously not. It's just as we suspected. He did it on Voldemort's orders."

Harry made a small noise of confusion. "I'm guessing Sirius and Tom are going to check it out?"

"You would be correct. They should mirror-call tonight, so better have your Invisibility Cloak with you." Remus looked up to see it wrapped around Harry so only his head was visible. "I can see I didn't need to remind you of that."

"Nope. Hey, has Sirius made a visit yet?" He peered at Remus more closely. "Your clothes look as neat as ever. No sign of bite marks or glamours to hide them. I take that as a no."

"Haven't you got anything better to do than invade in my personal space?" Remus asked, leaning away. It was a bit disconcerting to have a floating head mere inches from his face.

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