Part 30*

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Revised: March 7, 2022

I have finally improved the chapter! Hooray!


Summary: Remus snogs parchment (not really); Harry is a pain in the arse that knows how to rhyme; Azure can swear

Harry found himself having a hard time concentrating. Severus had given him a note saying that Lupin would be all right now, but he had had no time to go see for himself. The only reassurance he had was when he saw Lupin during lunch. Their eyes locked briefly, and Lupin gave him a small nod. Harry blinked in acknowledgement and turned away.

When classes were over for the day, Harry took his chance and headed over to see Lupin.

He was relieved when he answered the door. "Hello, Harry," Lupin greeted him.

"Hi." Harry stepped in and looked him over. "How are you feeling?" It felt like a stupid question to ask, but Lupin answered nevertheless.

"Still a little shaky, but overall, I'm all right." Lupin smiled at him briefly. "Severus told me you know about the soul bond."

Harry nodded.

"I'm glad to hear that. I was afraid you would never find out, or that you would find out but wouldn't want anything to do with him."

"Well, when I first learned who he was, I was in quite a state of shock," Harry admitted. "I didn't want to accept it at first, but he was chosen for a reason. Right?"

"Indeed, he was." Lupin sat down at his desk, looking at his students' assignments. "No one knows how exactly bonds are chosen, but it is widely believed that they are based off of power and compatibility and that Lady Magic will guide those she believes will be a good couple, whatever that may be for the people involved."


Lupin waved a hand. "Don't worry about that at the moment. Just focus on your schoolwork and we'll discuss it when the time comes." He turned back to the assignments in front of him and groaned softly. "How does Hermione write so small?" he muttered.

He leaned down, squinting, until his face was plastered against the parchment.

Harry blinked. He was by no means an expert, but he was pretty sure you weren't supposed to snog your students' homework. "Did Severus tell you anything else?" he asked.

Lupin lifted his head again. "He said that Sirius is innocent. I — I take it that's true?"

Harry nodded, and regret and longing flickered in Lupin's eyes.

"I should have known," he murmured. "There had been quite a bit of wariness surrounding him and me before that night. I had doubts of Sirius' allegiance, and he had some of mine. It should have been obvious something was off."

"It's not your fault, Lupin," said Harry. "You were played. Pretty damn well, I hate to admit."

"Call me Remus when we're not in class," Lupin said distractedly, making a note on Hermione's assignment before moving on. "Anyway, how did you find out about Peter being alive?"

"Sirius told me. Oh, by the way, I have the Marauder's Map," Harry replied, removing it for Remus to see.

Remus' eyes widened as he stared at the parchment. "How did you —? Where did you get this?"

"The Weasley twins nicked it from Filch."

"Somehow, that doesn't surprise me," Remus said with a chuckle. "Back to Tom. Severus mentioned Horcruxes. Do you know how many he made?"

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