Reposted: December 23, 2021
I don't normally post in the middle of the night, but here we are.
Hey, trans and non-binary folks, guess what? You're awesome and valid
Now on to the next chapter
Summary: Harry adds another reason to his Why He Hates Dumbledore list; the train ride to Hogwarts marks the beginning of an interesting year
"I can't believe it."
Harry looked at Tom curiously. "What?"
"It's been three years since we've met."
"Huh, it has. Time sure does fly, doesn't it?"
Tom hummed in response. "What are you thinking about?" he asked, seeing the contemplating look on Harry's face. He looked slightly sullen, so it probably wasn't anything like the time he asked if Tom had ever masturbated in the diary (which he still never answered).
"Dumbledore," Harry replied. It was always Dumbledore. "Do you think he'll try something this year?"
"I doubt it. With all these articles, everyone will be watching him," Tom pointed out. "Well, except for a handful of people." How they could still support that man was beyond him. Even the Weasleys, as light as they were, were no longer following him, although they did believe Voldemort was still out there somewhere. That sentiment, however, Tom could understand.
"I was thinking he'd strike back because of the articles," Harry said.
"That's possible, too," Tom conceded. "The only good thing that would come out of that is that we could use it against him."
"Rather he didn't." But they both knew how unlikely that would be.
A tapping on the window made them look up to see the Malfoy's eagle owl.
Harry stood up and opened it. The owl waited until he had taken the shrunken package from its beak before flying back out, apparently not waiting for a response.
"What is it?" Tom asked as Harry opened the package.
"It's from Lucius," Harry said, reading the note. "He sent a list of classes that Dumbledore had removed ever since he became headmaster. And even as deputy headmaster. The excuse was that they were either dark or couldn't fit with Hogwart's budget. And—" he scowled— "Madam Dolores Umbridge will be coming to Hogwarts to keep an eye on Dumbledore."
"Isn't she that pink toad-like woman that hates all things dark and not pure?" Tom said.
"That's the one." Harry began flipping through the files, eyebrows furrowed. Tom grabbed a few and began scanning them.
"Dancing?" Harry said, baffled. "He removed a class on dancing?"
"Apparently so," Tom said, peering over his shoulder. "And here's another on etiquette."
"How much influence did he have when you were at Hogwarts?" Harry asked.
"Not as much as now, but it was enough," Tom answered. "I do recognize a few of these classes by name, although I never took them. Some of the older years talked about dance during my first year. Said they had to pay private tutors for lessons now. Dark Arts, too, but it was only open to sixth and seventh years to begin with."
"I can somewhat understand Dark Arts," Harry said grudgingly. "But isn't the whole point of that to learn about it in a controlled classroom setting?"

A Little Help from a Snake // Tomarry
Fanfiction(Aka the Tomalongadingdong™ fic) It was a normal day for Harry. He woke up, made breakfast for his relatives, ate some leftovers, and went out to do the chores set for him. Then it all changed when he accidentally disturbed a snake in the grass. Ple...