Mind Me

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I woke up screaming after being beheaded in my nightmare. Guards rushed in along with my parents and my mother held me until I could quiet down. The way my dad looked at me in true horror made me begin to sob.

"Josephine," he called out. "Josephine, listen to me." I gradually stopped and breathed heavily. "What happened?" "She killed me," I murmured. "They all did."

"You can fight this Jo, I know you can because you're my daughter," he said. I caught my breath and nodded, clearing my throat. "I'm okay now."

Simone was hesitant on leaving but I reassured her once more that I was fine and she closed the door on her way out. I sighed and laid back in bed, knowing that I could play whatever game Luisa was going at. I didn't have the courage to return to mind space at the moment so I had to wait until tonight.

I got out of bed and this time, put on a pair of jeans. I usually wore dresses, but pants were the way to go today. Putting on a long sleeve, I wore a navy blue coat because outside looked dewy. I then brushed out my hair and tucked the front strands behind my ears. For the last check in the mirror, I nearly had a stroke from being startled with another face. It wasn't one of my past bodies but it was of a boney man in a black cloak and under his hood, I could see his blond hair and scarred eye. He grinned, his non-straight teeth stretching with saliva.

I closed my eyes for a minute and reopened them to see myself. I made an expression just to confirm it was the real me and not a hallucination of her.

I stepped out of the room and out of the palace doors. I took a deep breath of the fresh, cold air, and descended the staircase. I spotted the clan's shed and went towards it and entered the excess section where the doctor usually stayed but I only found Luisa's father.

"Marcus Kane, right?" I spoke. He looked at me and stood. "You shouldn't be in here," he said. "Well, I just wanted to talk to you," I began. "I am truly sorry that she didn't tell you anything about the deal. It's not my fault that she's gone."

"She sometimes gets ahead of herself," he stated. "She was on a path to redemption and I assume her death was to give us freedom." "Your heart should give you everlasting life." "I'm no body snatcher. When I die, I will die."

"Why do you think we snatch bodies? We don't. Our people devote their lives for us and we name them a new prime." "And Bella becomes Josephine the eighth."

"Who is Bella?" I felt a surge of ache pound through my head and yelped in agony. My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I fell forward, collapsing in Kane's arms. I heard him shout for help and guards came in before I went into a deep sleep.


I had snatched Josephine from reality and pulled her into my mind. We were now on the Ark and she stepped out of the red door. She wasn't as terrified as before and was wearing a smirk on her face.

"I have more power," she said. "My mind will slowly eat yours up." "'My mind will slowly eat yours up,'" I childishly mimicked. I sauntered towards her, taking a lap around her and she looked at me.

When I completed the joyride, I walked past her and reached her red door. "You're not the only one who knows how to override the mind. Let me see your memories." I walked through the bright light and into a vast hall of a library, her mind organized in books.

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