Chapter 1: An Unexpected Journey

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Heya!!! Heres the first chapter!!!! Its 3 and a half pages long on word so i hope its kinda long again!!!!!!! :D

Laura_1D_fan!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx :) <3

It was a cold, wet and windy day and I was on my way home from my older sisters. Oh my name’s Primrose by the way. I’m a Hobbit. I live in the Shire with my mother and younger brothers and sister. My mother wants me to grow up marry well and have lots of children. But secretly I have always longed for adventure. When I told my mother years ago she told me not to be silly, that my job was to marry well and be a good mother and husband. My four best friends’ in the whole world are Merry, Pippin, Frodo and Sam! I have secretly had a crush on Merry for years. Sometimes I put my name in front of his surname which is Brandybuck. Primrose Brandybuck….  Our names together would just be perfect together!

  Anyway it was a horrible day in the Shire, and I was running home. I passed Frodo’s house and saw Sam under his window. I was just about to ask him what he was doing when he put his finger to his lips and beckoned me over. Puzzled, I crept forward and crouched down beside Sam.  I heard Frodo talking to Gandalf about a ring and some Dark Lord and The Land of Mordor. I sneezed by accident. Then suddenly two hands shot forward and grabbed us both by our collars and pulled us inside, throwing us on the table.

“Samwise Gamgee and Primrose Sandy!!!!! Have you been eavesdropping????” “N..n…no! Sir! I was cutting the grass and Primrose came to help me!” Sam stammered. “Why don’t I believe you, Samwise?” Gandalf said eyeing us sternly. “Please Mr Gandalf, Sir, don’t hurt us!!!!” I cried. Frodo was trying hard not to laugh. “I won’t hurt you but! I want you both to go with Frodo on his journey to destroy the Ring. Me and Sam looked at each other, and then back at Gandalf. “Ok!!! I’ll go with you Frodo!” I said “I guess I will too.” Sam said shaking his head. “Good” said Gandalf, smiling at us both. “So… When do we leave?” I asked. Gandalf laughed and said “You should all go as soon as possible. I suggest you leave tomorrow morning as soon as possible. We shall pretend you are all going to visit Frodo’s relatives in Buckland!”  

We glanced at each other and after an awkward silence Frodo asked: “But won’t it seem a bit suspicious if we never turn up there?” “I think Merry and Pippin would say you came and then left on some important errand and then hunt you down until they find you all.” Gandalf said glancing at me. “Yeah Merry would hate the idea of losing Prim!” Sam snorted. I blushed and glared at him and Frodo, who had started laughing. “Merry doesn’t think of me that way and you know it!” I snapped. Frodo and Sam exchanged a look and Sam changed the subject “So where we head out for?” He asked. “Meet me at the Prancing Pony. I will accompany you to Rivendale where we leave the Ring with the elves.” Sam’s eyes widened when he heard the word elves. “Elf’s? You mean were going to see the elves!!!!!” He cried in delight. Gandalf smiled and said: “Yes Sam so you all better stay the night here and leave first thing in the morning.”

I awoke just as dawn was breaking. I sat up and saw my rucksack sitting at the end of my bed. I got up and got dressed and dragged my bag into the hall. I walked into the kitchen where Sam and Frodo were sitting eating breakfast. They glanced up and smiled at me as I walked over to the cupboard and took out some food. I sat down and said; “So what’s the plan for today?” “Well first were going to make sure we’ve got everything then we going to set out for the Prancing Pony.” Frodo replied. I nodded my head, and followed them out into the hall. We put our rucksacks onto our backs and set off out the door. We stopped off at my mother’s and Sam’s home and told them we were going to Buckland for a couple of weeks. They agreed to let us go and we set off in the direction of Buckland.

We had been walking for a good few hours when Sam suddenly stopped. Frodo and I turned around, “What is it, Sam?” Frodo asked glancing round nervously. “One more step and this will be the furthest I’ve ever been away from home!” Sam told us looking worried. I smiled at him and said; “Don’t worry Sam! It’s just one little step.” He glanced up and nervously stepped forward. “See that wasn’t so bad now was it?” Frodo asked, before turning away and continuing on.

We were walking through Farmer Maggot’s crop. I was walking behind Frodo, when we heard Sam calling “Mr Frodo? Mr Frodo? Frodo!!” We walked round a corner and saw Sam running towards us. “Frodo! Primrose! I thought I’d lost you both for a minute.” Sam said looking relieved. “Sam! Were still in the Shire! What’s the worst that could happen?” I said smiling at him. Just then then some-thing crashed out of the corn and into Sam and Frodo.

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