Chapter 10: The Mines of Moria

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Omfg!!! It's been agessss since I last updated!!! I'm sorry!!!! Anyway here is another chapter! I have a fair few written now so I'll be update as much as I can!!! Btw are any of you guys on Quotev? I am! I'm called Lottie! It's an awsome site that's a lot like Wattpad but they do quizzes as well as stories!! So yeah check that out, if you want. Song of the chapter is the brilliant Carry You by the amazeballs Union J!!

Laura xx

We all looked at Gandalf and he looked back at us. “Well, I don’t think we shall swim across it. I don’t like the look of it. And before you ask, the last time I was here this lake wasn’t here.” Gandalf said looking out at the far side of the lake. “So how do we get across?” Boromir asked. “Well we are going to have to walk around it. It’s going to take most of the night though and we won’t be able to rest now were back on the ground.” Merry, Pippin, Sam and I sighed. Frodo just stifled a laugh. “Come on! If we want to get there before it gets to dark then we must hurry!” Gandalf said setting off down a little path that went around the edge of the lake. We all hurried after him, not wanting to be left beside that lake. I was walking beside Merry and I was staring out at the middle of the lake, when I saw ripples out in the middle of the lake. I jumped back and crashed into Merry. He out his arm around me and whispered “What’s wrong?” “I thought I saw something move out in the middle of the lake!” I said looking back at the spot where the movement had come from. The lake was still again. “Well it’s gone now, Prim.” Merry told me.

I was nervous now and I kept looking at the lake every now and then expecting something to jump out and attack us. We were about half-way round the lake when suddenly Frodo yelled and pointed to something on the far side of the lake. We all drew our swords and turned around to where Frodo was pointing. We saw ripples in the water but then they stopped and the water became calm again. Gandalf stared at the spot worriedly, before turning around and practically running towards the Gates. We all started running too. When we reached the Gates, Gandalf stood in front of them and tapped them with his staff. Nothing happened. He did it again. Still nothing. I reached out and took Merry’s hand. He squeezed it comfortingly.

Along the top of the Gate were some runes. “Look! What do they say, Gandalf?” asked Merry, pointing above the Gate. Gandalf looked up and mouthed the words. “What does it say?” asked Frodo “It says speak friend and enter.” Gandalf said confused. “What does that mean? Do you say Friend in elvish?” Merry asked. “No, it would never be that simple.” Gandalf replied turning back to the door and he started saying different words in different languages. Sometimes it was just one word other times it was whole sentences. After a while he gave up and sat down on a rock beside the gates. I had turned around and was watching the lake, when suddenly Gandalf jumped to his feet with a cry. “I know what it is! Merry of all people was on the right track!” He turned to the gate and said something. “Of course!” whispered Legolas “The elvish word for friend!” “It was actually as simple as Merry thought it was.” Gandalf explained “Speak FRIEND and enter.” Then while everyone was waiting for the gates to fully open, no one saw the ripples in the lake, no one say a tentacle rise out of the water and go to Frodo, no one realised until Frodo started yelling.

We all turned around and saw that Frodo was being dragged into the water by this thing. Gandalf grabbed Merry, Pippin and I and threw us into the Mines with some of the bags, while he was doing that Aragorn and Boromir ran into the water and were hacking at the tentacle that was wrapped around Frodo’s ankle. Sam was standing there yelling “MR FRODO!!!!!!!” Gandalf dragged Sam into the cave with us and ran down to the water’s edge to help Aragorn and Boromir. Gimli and Legolas were in the cave with us. When Frodo was free, they all ran into the Mines, Gandalf was about to close the door, but the octopus thing lifted up two trees, slammed the door and then barricaded us in. “Well, I guess it’s no harm me lighting a little fire to help us along the way.” Gandalf said hitting his staff off the ground. “Oh and well done Merry, for figuring it out. If you hadn’t suggested it earlier we would all be dead by now.” Gandalf said to Merry. Merry blushed and said “It was nothing.” I reached down and took his hand.

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