The Ring Goes South

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Heya!!! I've been writting this chappie 4 ages so yeah... hopefully its good!!!!! It 5 and a half pages on word!!!!!!!!!!!! -Cue happy dance!!!!- ;D so yep to celebrate here is chapeter 8!!!!!! ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

-Laura xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :D

It was quite late when we stopped to rest. They had walked several miles and we were all very tired. From Rivendale to where we were resting we had talked and Sam, Merry, Pippin and I, who hadn’t been in the meeting soon learned of what, had been said there. I shivered and wrapped my cloak around me. Merry put his arm around and pulled me against him. “Well if this is where we are to spend the night, then we had best set up a watch.” Gandalf declared “Who shall take first watch?” “I will.” Aragorn said. Gandalf nodded and everyone else settled down. The other members of the Fellowship were all really nice and we all took it in turns to keep watch.

The members of the Fellowship were Gandalf, Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, Frodo, Sam, Pippin, Merry and I. Frodo was the Ring Bearer and the rest of us were to protect him from the Ring Wraiths. We were heading towards the mountain Caradhras and we still had a long way to go, but we hobbits couldn’t go any further, so we stopped for the night. We continued like this for many days until eventually we reached Caradhras. “Finally!” cried Pippin throwing himself down at the bottom of it. “Get up, Pippin. We still have to climb the mountain.” Gandalf said. “But can’t we stay here for a bit??” Pippin pleaded “No, we must continue on.” Gandalf said, starting up the mountain. Merry and I helped Pippin up and we followed Gandalf and Aragorn up the mountain.

We had been walking for several hours, when suddenly Gimli stopped and looked up at the sky “It looks like a snow storm is on the way.” He said. Gandalf looked up and said “We must hurry and find shelter for the night.” We quickened the pace and soon we found a suitable place for the night and set up a watch. Merry and I were on watch when we heard howls in the distance. I cowered into Merry’s chest trembling. All the other members of the Company leapt to the feet. “What happened?” Gandalf asked us. “We heard some howling in the distance.” Merry replied. “Was it some distance away?” Gandalf asked anxiously “We couldn’t tell.” I answered. “Look!!!” cried Legolas, pointing towards the right. We could all see the light of lots of eyes and we could hear growls and snarls coming from them. “Wolves!!!” yelled Pippin.

Gandalf raised his staff into the air and said something in a language I didn’t understand and a bright light shone in the night sky. Boromir and Aragorn jumped forward and attacked the wolves head on. I drew my short sword and stood with Merry and Pippin ready to fend off any wolves that came our way. Sam stood in front of Frodo armed with a frying pan and a short sword, looking like he was about to murder anything that came near him or Frodo. Gandalf set fire to one of the largest wolves and it was killed. When the other wolves saw it fall the other wolves turned tail and ran as fast as they could.

“Well, now that, that little incident is taken care of, I think it would be best if we set off immediately.” Gandalf said “Yes I agree.” Aragorn agreed. “But what about me and Primrose??” Merry asked “We haven’t rested yet!” “I’m sorry Merry, but we can’t afford to stay here with wolves following us. We need to continue up the mountain at once. We will go at slow pace.” Gandalf said, while everyone else started to pack up. Within 10 minutes everything was cleared up and it was like we had never even been there. I hurried after Pippin and Merry, not wanting to be left behind.

We had been walking for about 2 hours and Merry and I were lagging behind. If it wasn’t for Aragorn then we would have fallen behind long ago. I tripped and fell. Everything was spinning; Merry was on his knees beside me, calling my name. I slid to the ground and the last thing I saw was Merry’s face before slipping onto unconscious.

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