, nothing. Just each other.

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We all knew that we were either going to be in this race with Deb and Nelson for a few days and make it out alive or we were going to die trying. We all agreed that we wanted and needed freedom, especially Wes.

We decided that we were going to hide out there overnight, and find a way to escape the next morning. It was a cold December night, we had no blankets, nothing. Just each other.

We didn't want to stay out in the open, just in case Deb and Nelson did indeed check down here, so we hid behind the curtain again. There wasn't that much space, barely enough for me and Benjamin to stand in there without being cramped together. It was awkward, at least for me.

I'm the only girl, there were two boys. Luckily they gave me the benefit of the doubt and didn't cram me between them. I was kinda off to the side while Benjamin and Wes were laying, intertwined with each other partly on my legs.

My legs had fallen to sleep, but I hadn't. I didn't expect myself to anyway. I was cold and laying on the very uncomfortable ground. Not the most ideal state that I could have been in. But I guess that this was better than dead, or outside.

The next morning, I woke them up as soon as I knew that the sun would be up and that no one should or would be here. It took them way too long to get up, but I guess that I should have assumed that that would happen because we were running around like a bunch of toddlers yesterday.

We got up and I carefully opened the hatch, there was no one there. But the lights were on. I couldn't remember if they were like that last night or if someone had turned them on this morning. I got myself out of the hide-out and then helped the supposably strong men out too.

We quickly walked out of the building and again ran. I didn't know where to go, but Benjamin said he had an idea, so me and Wes were following him, trying to keep up with him. Benjamin was only a year older than me but surprisingly fast, so was Wes, at least for them being 30 and 33.

We had gotten to a point where I had no clue where we were or what was going on, I was relying on Benjamin. I didn't like the silence anymore, it was just too weird. But I didn't know how to break it. "So where are we going?" I finally said. Wes looked at me like I was a psychopath or something.

"My house." He said.

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