Wes coming in the sunlight.

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Leaned in towards me I slowly stood up and said "Woah, Benjamin. I-I gotta go." I ran out the door and slammed it. I ran about a block away, I knew that he wouldn't come after me. I sat down on a bench with tears in my eyes, but I knew that this wasn't the moment where I needed to cry.

I few minutes later I saw Wes coming in the sunlight.He was walking slowly and alone, that was a good sign. He came and sat down next to me. We Sat there in silence for a few minutes until I said "Benjamin sent you, huh?"

He looked up from the ground and said "Yeah, he didn't think you were ready to talk to him after what he had done." I looked down and said "Did he ever tell you why he tried to do that?" I looked up at Wes. "No but when he came and woke me up, telling me that you had run out he said that he screwed up your guys' friendship."

"Okay, well I had never said that he 'screwed up' our friendship. Let me ask you something, did he tell you what he did?" I said, I made direct eye contact with him and he said "No he didn't, but I have some suspicions." "Well he tried to kiss me, okay?"

I started to stand up but Wes grabbed my arm and pulled me back down. "What was that for, I'm going to try to solve things with Benjamin? As long as you come to help me." He got up with me, still holding my arm, but when he realized he was he quickly let go and rubbed his hands together. We walked in silence, it was awkward as hell. We made it back to Benjamin's house and opened the door he was sitting on the couch and when he saw us he immediately jumped up and hugged us both.

"Okay, okay, okay Benjamin we get it. Please let go of me, you're squeezing me." I said "Sorry" he said as he let go of me. It was getting late, we didn't say anything to each other for the rest of the night, we ate, slept and woke up the next morning all in silence.

The next day I decided that I had to say something to them because I technically live with them and they are my best friends, right? "Hey, Benjamin, Wes, can we talk?"

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