Chapter 8

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"How did they know we were there?" Liv asked no one in particular.

"They must have followed one of us," Zemo said.

"How did you get out of the raft?" James asked from behind.

"Do we really have to litigate what may or may not have happened?" Zemo asked.

At that moment, Liv caught the news on the radio and turned the volume up, silencing both of them.

"Several explosions in New York put residents in turmoil. So far, it is only known that the apartments are in different districts. The connection is still unclear. Police are investigating whether it was arson or an act of terrorism... ", the woman on the radio said.

Liv bit her lip. That must be a joke. She took out her phone and dialed Kenjiro's number. Her heart was pounding in her ears.

He picked up and said, "Yes, it was your apartment," without bothering with a greeting. "I need you to trust me. Keep your head down."

Liv closed her eyes and tilted her head back. She moved the phone away from her mouth. "Where was the other explosion?"

"Brooklyn and Manhattan," Kenjiro said. "It was rented by ..."

"I have a guess... they are both with me," Liv said. "How did they find out?"

"I don't know yet. I'm sorry," Kenjiro said. "I'll get you whatever you need. Don't do something rushed."

For a brief moment, she doubted her trust in him. He had betrayed her before. No, he was under A.I.M.'s control back then. This was different.

"And we will need a few things. I will send you a list," Liv said, ready to hang up, but his next words made her hesitate.

"We received an offer from an anonymous buyer for the company," Kenjiro said, changing the topic.

"I have a guess on this one too," Liv groaned. They must have been the ones who gave the tip to the officials regarding the tax evasion, because now they were making an offer to buy it. "Stall as much time as you can. We are not selling."

Starring out the window after hanging up the phone, she said: "We can't go back. A.I.M. is trying to fumigate us."

How did A.I.M. know that Liv and James were working together? Was it a coincidence? Were they being followed and didn't notice it? Unlikely. Her working with Zemo wasn't a big secret amongst people who knew them.

"Any suggestions on where we go now?" Zemo asked.

"Yes, but you won't like it," Liv said, turning to look at Zemo.

An hour later, Zemo parked the car in front of an iron gate. All three of them looked through the windshield at the well-lit mansion at the end of the driveway.

"You were right," Zemo said. "I don't like this."

"You don't know him like I do," Liv said. "I trust him... somewhat."

"Who are you talking about?" James asked from the back.

"Gregory Belikov," Zemo replied.

"The arms dealer?" James asked.

Liv turned to the back surprised James knew who he was.

Before James could ask her how she knew someone as dangerous as Belikov, Liv opened the car door and stepped out to wave at the camera.

Shortly after the gate was opened, Zemo stirred the car in front of the entrance of a huge white mansion. Several steps lead to a black double door, winged by two columns. Liv left the car first, walking up the stairs. Zemo and James exchanged looks before following her. Neither of them liked it. The door was opened before she reached the last step.

"Анастасия, дорогая моя", Gregorie greeted her, putting his hands on either of her shoulders. (Anastasia, my dear) Liv gave him a small smile. Then his gaze fell on the two men behind her. "Зимний солдат, Барон." (Winter Soldier, Baron)

Belikov let go of Liv and motioned for them to come inside, rubbing his hands against the cold. James clenched his teeth together. He didn't like this. Working with Zemo, doing God knows what with Belikov. He didn't want Liv to be near men like this. Even less did he like that they were so familiar with each other.

"Я не удивлен, что ты знаешь, где я живу", Belikov said, leading them into a lounge. "но зачем ты их привела?" He glanced over his shoulder at both men behind them. "Солдат уже не тот, кем был раньше, а барон - сломленный человек." (I am not surprised you know where I live, but why did you bring them? The soldier isn't who he used to be and the Baron is a broken man.)

Liv felt the piercing stares in her back. She straightened her back and emptied her face of any emotion.

"Difficult times require unexpected alliances," Liv replied, holding Belikov's stare.

"So, I've heard," he said after appraising her face for a moment, switching back to English as well. "Alyona and the children will be here by the end of the week. Make sure to not overstay your welcome."

Liv nodded. Out of nowhere, an elderly woman appeared with a tray. Four glasses filled with clear liquid.

"What are we toasting to?" Liv asked, taking a glass, when the woman offered it to her.

"To our new deal, my dear," Belikov said, smiling.

James and Zemo each took a glass from the tray, leaving one for their host to take. Liv lowered her gaze to the glass in her hand and then back to Belikov.

"Don't look at me like this, Anna," Belikov admonished her. "You know, my help comes at a prize."

She knew that all too well. He never let her forget. Liv couldn't think of anything he might want from her. They already had a good deal regarding her weapons that benefited him more than her.

"And what will your help cost me this time?" Liv finally said. She couldn't think of anything she had that he'd want.

"Him," Belikov said, pointing at James.

Liv froze. He was joking.

"This man is no longer the Winter Soldier. I tried, he is gone," Zemo threw in.

Belikov locked eyes with James, who held his gaze.

"I want him for one job," Belikov said. "Play the villain one last time for me, soldier." 

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