Chapter 1

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This is book 2 in the Winter series. Enjoy the bumpy ride ;)

Love, Nina <3


"The fugitive was identified as Sam Wilson, a member of the Avengers and successor to Steve Rogers as Captain America," the radio announcer said. "He is accused of being involved in human trafficking activities. The police has already taken him into custody and is interrogating him. At the present time, there is no statement from the police."

"What an interesting twist," Zemo noted next to Liv, bringing her back to reality.

The driver steered the car to an abandoned factory railing. It was late at night, and the darkness had swallowed the terrain and the surrounding buildings.

"After Walker's failure, does it really surprise you?" Liv asked.

"I assessed him differently," Zemo admitted.

Liv didn't say anything in response. She knew they had history, but Liv didn't know the new Captain America, nor did she care. Another vehicle rounded the corner and came to a halt next to their car. Three men exited the other car.

"Let's get this done with," she said, giving the driver the sign that they were ready. She exited the car, walked around it without so much as acknowledging her client's presence, and opened her door first, before opening Zemo's.

"Gentlemen," Liv greeted the men in front of her as soon as she left the car.

"Anastasia Volkoff, always a treat for my sore eyes," the man in the middle said, a thick Russian accent lacing his words. "Baron Zemo."

Gregory Belikov. Being in his mid-fifties, he had adapted to having a stately belly. Wearing her high heels, she towered over him by half a head and got a good view of his half-bald head. She always chose to appear taller than she was during business meetings. And being taller than the man in front of her worked wonders, psychologically speaking.

It's nice to see you again, Mr. Belikov. How are Alyona and the kids?" She asked, smiling, as they walked over to the trunk of her car, which Zemo had opened before they came to a halt.

"Очень хорошо", he said, switching into his mother tongue. (Very good)

He watched her for a moment. Something was on his mind, and if she waited long enough and let the silence stretch, he would talk.

"Ты должна быть осторожным, с кем тебя видят," Belikov said, as he shifted his gaze between Zemo and her. (You should be careful who you are seen with.)

"Oтметила," Liv said, holding his scolding gaze. He was good at playing an authoritarian figure. (Noted)

"Это наш заказ? Могу я проверить?" he asked, giving her a warm smile. (Is this our order? Can I check?)

Despite his uncle-like appearance and behavior, Liv wasn't fooled. Belikov was a dangerous man, a cold-hearted killer. He only cared about his business. Liv understood that and they worked well together on that level. She knew better than to cross him, not that she was planning on doing so.

Liv smiled and nodded, focusing her attention on the content in front of them.

"Конечно," Liv said, opening one of the cases that Zemo had already picked up. (Of course)

A gun with a separate magazine came to light. She took both pieces and showed the slightly glowing bullets before inserting the magazine.

"Pulsed Energy Projectile," she said, turning and aiming into the darkness. "When fired at a target, plasma is generated. The pressure of the generated wave will lead to pain and short-term paralysis."

She handed Belikov the gun and let him weigh it and get used to the feeling.

"It's slightly heavier than a normal gun, but just as effective," she added, watching him scowl.

Without hesitation, she took the gun from Belikov, pointed it at one of his men and fired. He was thrown off of his feet, landed hard on his back, and huddled on the ground. The other man didn't even flinch, nor did he try to help the groaning man lying on his feet. With a curt nod, she gave him the weapon back.

"Very dramatic," Zemo murmured under his breath, only for her to hear.

"This cutie," she said as she unloaded the gun, placed it back in its case, and closed the lid. Zemo exchanged the case with a smaller one and opened the lid. Liv took out a small round object the size of a fifty-cent coin. "Is an HPM. High Power Microwave Weapon capable of producing currents high enough to melt circuitry or low enough to cause temporary disruption."

She briefly explained how and when to use it. Belkov seemed pleased with the gun and the HPM. This was a good sign. Liv also tried not to think about how he was using the weapons or on whom. She had her own mission, and she'd stop at nothing.

Belikov nodded to his remaining employee, who brought out a suitcase, opened it and showed her the money. She held out her hand to grab the handle after the case was closed, but he hesitated. Her gaze switched back to Belikov.

"I like you, Anastasia," he said, her name sounding even more Russian out of his mouth. "Alyona is very fond of you, too."

She tilted her head, waiting for him to elaborate.

"The ghosts you both are hunting might not be what you wish upon yourself," he said in a warning tone. "Those are dangerous people. You don't want to anger them." 

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