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"i know, mom, you already said that, like, ten thousand times."

a frustrated jake sim paced back and forth in his living room, hating every second of his daily morning phone call from his mother.

"i just wanted to make sure it sticks inside that head of yours. sometimes i worry you'll forget with all that poppy-trash music brainwashing you."

it isn't trash, is what jake wishes he could (but never would actually) say to his mom in retaliation, no matter how much he wanted to. so instead, he hummed along in agreement with everything she said as she droned on about more reasons why this college experience is good for him and how he will be the perfect surgeon, just like his father.

finally, he was able to hang up the phone, telling her he couldn't be late for school. that got her to end the call, of course. that's what it's like with his family; it's all about the bright future.

truth be told, jake had no desire to be a surgeon like his father. in fact, jake didn't want to be in the medical field at all. he loved music and he always had.

jake had moved to australia at a young age due to his dad's work. various english-native singers and their songs had helped strengthen jake's english skills and also grow his love for music. when he moved back to korea this summer, he took his love for music with him.

his parents think pursuing music is a useless dream. it won't make him any money since there's no guaranteed success in the music industry. but isn't doing something you're passionate about and not making a ton of money better than getting a bunch of money doing something you hate? jake thinks it is. he wished his parents did, too.

for now, he could focus on the positive aspects of his college journey. for one, he has made two awesome friends from his classes: kim sunoo and yang jungwon. they've been super great so far and he hopes to get closer with them. second, his loaded parents provided him with a free living arrangement in student housing (in their eyes, it's so he can have 'the most comfortable and beneficial experience whilst studying') that they paid for entirely.

so, who was jake to complain? many people yearned for the life he was so grateful to have. even if he couldn't play music and sing and dance and perform, he could still dream about it, right?

he tried to as often as he could, and most of the time, that option was through his bluetooth speaker. he didn't mean to blast it extremely loud. besides, he's the last apartment complex at the very end of the hall, so who would hear him? well...there does happen to be one neighbor directly across from him and he definitely seems to hear it.

jake isn't a mean guy and he did apologize the first time lee heeseung pounded on his door, but it started getting fun for jake when he would open the door to a pouty, overgrown baby of a man at the other end of it. honestly, he found lee heeseung really cute.

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