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the elevator jolted, instantly waking the two boys inside it.

both boys were tangled together, somehow having fallen asleep. they weren't sure how long it had been, but it couldn't have been too long.

jake rubbed his eyes. "w-what was that?" he croaked, his voice laced with sleep.

heeseung couldn't even get a response out before another bang sounded, causing another shake. the blonde shrieked and wrapped his arms around heeseung's waist in a tight embrace. what the fuck was going on?

"hello?" heeseung yelled, not necessarily expecting a response.

you could only imagine his surprise when he got one.

"stay put! we're almost in! is everyone okay in there?"

the firemen. it must be them, right? heeseung feels a wave of relief rush through him: they were going to be free! he found his arms wrapping around jake, too, who was still hugging him with shaky arms. he used one hand to rub the blonde's back soothingly. "w-we're okay! please hurry."

the two didn't know what was happening out there, but the best way heeseung could describe it was like the sound was a crowbar being wedged into the crevice of a door.

surprisingly, he was spot on.

moments later, the door is sliding open. there's a lot of tension, as if the door had been glued in place, and heeseung can see the crowbar (or whatever the tool is) using all its power to pull it open. the further the door cracks open, the easier it is to see their situation.

the elevator was caught between floor three and four, so in order to get out, they'd have to be pulled up so they can slide through the open space. heeseung had never seen something like this before.

the trembling boy in heeseung's aching arms lifted himself up, eyes widening as bright light from outside the elevator shaft seeped in. they were saved!

men dressed in fireman suits reached out a helping hand, and at last, the boys were taken to safety.

"awesome!! i feel like i'm watching a superhero show!" the voice of nishimura riki exclaimed, standing over to the side with his father and jay as he watched the scene unfold.

jay rolled his eyes at ni-ki, but instantly gasped and dashed over to his best friend that is now freed from the death box. "HEESEUNG!!!"

he jumps onto his best friends back, heeseung's knees almost giving from the surprise weight. "yah!! get off me, dummy!"

jay slid off heeseung's back and engulfed him into a hug instead. "oh my god you stupid little hamster boy i was so worried," he muttered into his shoulder.

heeseung chuckled, hugging his friend back. "i'm fine, i'm fine." suddenly, he shot up. "wait, where's jake?"

frantically, heeseung looked around until he saw the fireman pulling jake from the elevator at last. heeseung sighed in relief and hurried over to the boy, grabbing him by the shoulders. "are you okay?" he asked sincerely, his eyes studying every inch of jake's face.

the blonde nodded, cracking a meek and tired smile. "i'm okay, heeseungie."

the taller removed his hands off jakes shoulder's, clearing his throat as he suppressed a blush. realizing his possible feelings made that nickname sound a lot different rolling off the tongue...

the other two boys approach them, jay giving a small wave. "hey dude, i'm jay. i live with this loser. was everything alright in there? sorry we have to meet for the first time like this," he rambled, still a bit shaken up by the whole situation.

ni-ki chuckled from beside him. "not jay acting worried when we were literally eating pizza like thirty minutes ago."

all eyes were on him now. heeseung blinked. "uh, who is that?"

ni-ki grinned widely, holding out a hand in the form of a fist. "oh, my bad. i'm ni-ki! i dig your room by the way," he said, fist bumping the confused lee heeseung.

"woah woah, you're the one who distracted me!" jay retorted defensively, jabbing a finger into ni-ki's arm with accusation.

"thank you all so much, truly," the voice of ni-ki's father—the security guard of the building—gratefully thanked the brave firemen who had just finished their rescue.

"of course, glad all is well," one of them said.

jake and heeseung gave their tokens of gratitude as well before the firemen had left. riki's dad turned to face the four boys.

"i just want to apologize on behalf of my goldfish of a son for not calling the firemen sooner," he said. "i do hope you both are okay."

"i'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks ni-ki's a goldfish," jay stated with crossed arms. ni-ki flicked his forehead.

"we're okay, really. thanks for everything," heeseung said, bowing his head in gratitude, jake following suit.

"you boys head to bed, then. you've had a long night already. i need to call maintenance and my son needs to hear a nice, long lecture from me about his actions tonight."

ni-ki whined as the other three boys laughed. "i'm not a baby, what the fu—"


"ugh, fine."

eventually, they parted from the nishimura's and took off down the hall to their rooms. jay scrambled for the keys in his pocket before swiftly unlocking the door. "i'll heat you up extra pizza," he told heeseung, entering the home.

heeseung chuckled at his friends behavior, until he realized the presence still beside him. his focus fell on the shorter blonde boy, who was already looking right back at him.

awkwardly, heeseung scratched the back of his neck. "well, i guess we part here?"

jake snickered at how sheepish his neighbor was acting. instead of answering, he went in for hug, taking the taller by complete surprise. reluctantly, heeseung accepted it, hugging him back.

"thanks for taking care of me, heeseungie," jake muttered softly into the latter's ear, "i knew you had a caring side."

heeseung scoffed, blushing furiously (in which he was grateful jake couldn't see). they released their embrace and jake gazed at heeseung fondly. "i'll see you in the morning?" jake then asked, a hopeful glint in his eye.

the taller wasn't sure how to respond, but he nodded for the time being. "just don't wake me up to justin bieber."

jake laughed. "you love it."

"oh, yeah, i love it as much as the next guy....if the next guy hates justin bieber."

both boys fell into laughter, even if nothing was very funny. to be fair, they were exhausted and very sleep deprived, so their chuckles felt like the rush of a high.

"goodnight, heeseungie."

this time, heeseung smiled adoringly at the nickname as he watched jake enter his room, waving a little before closing the door.

heeseung sighed, contently. "goodnight, jake sim. see you tomorrow."

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