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"i had a really great time tonight," park sunghoon admitted, hands stuffed in his blazer pockets as his cheeks tinted pink (from the cool night breeze, of course. no other reason).

jay park smiled. their first date went nothing like how any of jays previous ones had. from the moment they sat in the coffee shop, they had a chemistry, a spark, allowing the two to talk easily for hours. jay didn't think it was just a first date, rather the first time he'd met someone so captivating that he wished to savor every detail for as long as he could.

"i'd love to do this again sometime," jay then paused, adding, "if you would like to, that is?"

sunghoon chuckled at the other's flustered state. "i'd love to. you have my number, yeah?"

jay nodded, too jittery with a mix of emotions to answer with words. if jay was too shy to respond then, nothing could describe his fluster once the slightly taller boy's lips gently graced jay's right cheek, soft with a hint of coolness that sent jay's heart soaring.

no girl or guy jay had previously dated made him feel like this. he couldn't wait to see where it'd go.


jay was more than confused when he entered into a dark, empty apartment complex. he was a bit breathless from having to take the stupid stairs, since a sign in front of the elevator explained it was out of order.

however, he expected to find his best friend and roommate moping on the couch with a bowl of ramen ready to complain about his day per usual. "where did that idiot go?"


heeseung's phone buzzed from his jean pocket. his phone screen read that jay park was calling him.

"who's that?" jake asked from next to the boy.

the older ignored him as he answered the phone in a hurry. "jay?"

"yo, hee? where are you, man? i just got back and you're not—"

"my phone is literally on one percent. i'm trapped in the elevator with jake. they said it will take two hours, but maybe you can go downstairs and find out if it can be dealt with quicker? i—"

heeseung's phone died ❤️.

"are you fucking kidding me?!" heeseung yelled, throwing his phone down in his lap, frustrated.

jay's eyes widened once the line suddenly disconnected. he lowered the phone from his ear, processing the rant his roommate just laid on him. "he's in the elevator? and it's gonna take two hours? that sucks. wait, who's jake?"

"who was that?" jake asked again, once the silence lingered for a little too long.

heeseung sighed before answering with, "my roommate, jay."

jake nodded, not knowing what to say. he still really wanted to know about heeseung's day and what got him in such a grumpy mood, but he didn't know how to go about that. heeseung was stubborn and didn't want to talk.

a little glisten of gold caught his eye and he noticed it was a stain on heeseung's left shoe. jake pointed at it. "you got a stain there."

heeseung followed jakes gaze and realized he still had a bit of coffee from when it was spilled all over him. "that bitch," he mumbled under his breath from the memory, but jake heard him loud and clear.

"who?" he asked, curiously.

"some costumer from today."

jake's heart pounded. was he about to get heeseung to open up to him? he pursed his lips as he carefully asked his next question. "is the costumer the reason for the stain?"

to his luck, heeseung nodded, eyes still glued to the coffee mark, an unreadable expression on his face. "some costumers don't get that there's no drinks allowed indoors. didn't expect this one to dump hers all over me, though."

jake audibly gasped. "someone dumped their drink on you?! oh my god, i thought that was just something that would happen in the movies or something."

sighing, heeseung leaned his head back against the wall. "nope. real life apparently, too."

"what else happened today?"

when i tell you jake was not expecting heeseung's answer, i mean it. heeseung had completely lowered the shield he guarded himself with. like a waterfall, words began flowing out of heeseung's mouth, all his bottled up anger from the day bursting out at last. jake didn't mind. he listened to every word.

"and then, of course, i'm so fucking tired, right? so the one day i don't want to use the stairs, this shit happens. just my luck, huh?"

jake couldn't help a smirk from forming as he followed up with, "yeah, i'd say your lucky. you coulda been stuck with anyone, but you're stuck with me."

at this, heeseung rolled his eyes, practically immune to jake's awful flirting. well, maybe not too awful.

"uhm—", heeseung croaked, clearing his throat, "thanks for letting me rant, i guess," he awkwardly said.

jake chuckled. "i asked you to. no need to thank me."

a slightly uncomfortable silence formed. with all the weight lifted off heeseung's chest, he suddenly felt too empty. now he was almost hyper-aware of being trapped in the elevator again as each and every inch of his body recognized he was still sitting on the cold, wooden floor.

as if he could read the older's thoughts, jake broke the silence and said, "i almost forgot we're still in this death box."

heeseung snorted. "how could you possibly forget?"

"because you distracted me."

heeseung did everything he could not to make eye contact with jake. as much as he was aware of being in the elevator, he was now becoming even more aware of the fact that it's just him and jake sim. jake sim who's always flirty and annoying. jake sim who has unkempt blonde hair and a childish laugh. jake sim who's figure was sitting so close to heeseung's side that he could feel the body heat radiating from him.

"hey, heeseungie?"

heeseung bit the inside of his cheek. "hm?"

"are you single?"

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