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jake was overtired, so obviously he thought he misinterpreted what heeseung had said.

"huh?" he dumbly blurted.

this time, and a bit more timidly, heeseung re-asked, "d-do you want to stay over tonight? so you don't have to be alone?"

okay, jake definitely heard him right that time. honestly, he couldn't believe it. his hot neighbor that thought he was an absolute nuisance was truly asking him to stay the night? jake's tummy swirled with butterflies at the thought. "i-i don't know what to say..."

by now, heeseung had lost all confidence. "sorry, just forget it—"

"i'd love to stay! if that's alright?"

like the gentlemen he is (well, only sometimes), heeseung had offered jake his bed so the blonde wouldn't have to sleep on the uncomfortable couch after having had a nightmare. jake tried to refuse, but heeseung wouldn't hear it.

"you're taking my bed and that's final!" heeseung insisted, practically pushing jake through the bedroom door.

eventually jake caved in, too physically and emotionally exhausted to fight it. "thank you so much, heeseungie," he said.

heeseung bit his lip to suppress a smile. "no worries, sim."


two hours had passed and the only reason heeseung knew that was because he couldn't fall asleep for the life of him. the couch felt like sleeping on a stack of hard-covered books. heeseung made a mental note to start saving up for a new sofa, since the one he tried sleeping on sucks.

the male kept tossing and turning, his back starting to ache. he wished he was in his soft, cozy bed right now.

god, why did i even let him stay? furthermore offer him my bed. i must be insane, heeseung thought to himself.

around thirty minutes later is when heeseung had reached his breaking point. sure, he goes to sleep late into the night, but hey, he still needs his beauty sleep. plus, with such busy weekdays ahead of him, he's bound to break down if he can't function from enough shut eye.

a bit reluctantly, heeseung stood up from the couch and began trudging over to his room. he wasn't fully comprehending his actions, he sort of let his feet take charge. fortunately, his door was cracked open, and when he peeked into the darkened room, he could make out a sleeping jake sim from the living room light shining through the open door.

heeseung pursed his lips in thought. it is a queen sized bed...and there is a whole empty space next to jake that heeseung could easily fit into. it's not weird, right? i mean, it's my bed anyways.

like a statue, heeseung stood in the doorway for a few more minutes as he pondered his next move. the only sound to be heard were the gears turning in his head along with the soft and steady breathing of the blonde boy peacefully sleeping in his bed.

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