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"but then again, you're just pretty in general."

despite being in a small, compact, stuffy elevator, heeseung knew that it wasn't the only reason he was feeling extra warm. being alone with someone as bold and flirty as jake made heeseung a type of nervous he hadn't experienced before. he wasn't sure of the type of game jake was playing with his flirtatious remarks, but he wouldn't give in so easily.

"tch. way to state the obvious," heeseung stated, smirking.

jake pouted, half-expecting to see his cute neighbor get all flustered again rather than sarcastic. but that didn't bother him much because jake wasn't the type to give up. "hey, everyone needs a reminder of their beauty every once in a while."

when a moment of silence lingered on for a bit too long, heeseung glanced over at jake, the latter already staring right back at him expectantly. heeseung blinked, lost for words. "w-what are you looking at?"

"aren't you going to remind me of my beauty?"

heeseung didn't expect that. he let out a genuine belly-laugh. "keep dreaming, sim."

"oh, come on!" jake irked on, playfully nudging the older's shoulder, "don't you think i'm handsome?" 

heeseung held back an eyeroll once he caught jake dramatically batting his eyelashes again, attempting to put on his best puppy-dog eyes. see, heeseung couldn't deny his neighbor was pretty. if he did, he'd be straight up lying. but then again, heeseung wasn't sure what jake was trying to get out of that question, and it left him a bit hesitant on how to respond. why is it so hard to tell whether this kid is serious or not?

"not as much as you are a nuisance."

jake tapped a finger to his chin in thought. "hmm. i didn't hear you deny that i'm handsome, though, so i'll take that as a win."

heeseung scoffed as he turned his head away from the boy, biting his bottom lip to hide a smile.


"hey, bro, thanks for the pizza! sorry, i just realized the time. i should probably head home."

the gears in jay's brain suddenly began turning again once ni-ki had stood up from the sofa. "w-wait! what about my roommate? and our neighbor? in the elevator?"

ni-ki gasped. "yoooo! i totally forgot! you think they're out yet?"

jay crossed his arms. "do you see another dude in here?" he asked, straight-faced.

ni-ki sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "right. uhh...good point."

the clock on the wall displayed the time of night, and if jay was doing his math correctly, both heeseung and jake were in that elevator for three hours and two minutes by now. this was getting out of hand. abruptly, jay also stood up from the sofa, although he hardly reached the height of the younger boy. "come on, we're going to see your dad."

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