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everyday heeseung had his routine. sure, his life wasn't perfect, but he liked it for what it was. if you asked him what was missing, he wouldn't know how to answer.

until now, that is.

lee heeseung stood outside jake sim's apartment door frozen in place, internally debating on whether he should knock on the door or scurry back into his home so he can crawl into a hole and hide. what was he thinking as he stood here at two in the morning?

"this is stupid, he probably isn't even awake," heeseung mumbled to himself.

the boy was ready to turn around and head back inside, deciding that it would be better to just go to bed and worry about his feelings in the morning. what he didn't expect was for the door to open itself.


figures. of course he would open the door. what is the universe trying to tell heeseung? is this a sign that he should get his shit together and just confess? heeseung didn't realize he'd been lost in the clouds a little too long before a soft hand cupped his cheek.

"hey, what's wrong? your eyes are glossy."

blinking a couple times, he realized jake was right. his eyes had been starting to water. why was this stressing him out so much? he just wished he was brave enough to come clean about his stupid feelings. he wished he didn't have so much fear of doubt. he wished he didn't always expect the worst.


right, focus. quickly, heeseung rubbed his eyes, attempting to dry them and rid of the glossiness. "sorry," he muttered, bitterly chuckling at his own actions.

jake tilted his head like a confused puppy, his hand still caressing the older's skin. once he realized it, he tried to pull away, but he was stopped by a bigger hand settling itself on top of his own.

the blonde's eyes widened, diverting his gaze from the hand embracing his to the eyes piercing back at him. jake's heartbeat picked up speed. he didn't know what was happening, the atmosphere felt undreadable. "heeseungie? what is it?"

it's now or never.

"i like you, jake."

jake was pretty sure his heartbeat exceeded maximum speed. his breath hitched in his throat once his brain processed the four words he thought he'd never hear. did his ears stop working, too, or did he actually hear that correctly?

questioning it wasn't going to help any further, for heeseung's facial expression was unchanging. his gaze was laced with sincerity (and slight nervousness) while his handhold was firm atop the latter's.

"am i dreaming? i know it's two in the morning so it's very possible," jake breathed out, still in slight disbelief.

at his remark, heeseung found himself feel a bit lighter, suddenly less anxious of facing rejection. he quirked his lip into a smirk as he shook his head. "no, sim. you're not dreaming."

jake bit his lip, suppressing a smile. "i guess that's true. if this was a dream, justin bieber would be here asking me to go on tour with him."

both boys broke into laughter, filling the sleeping hallway with sounds of pure bliss and happiness. a few moments of silence linger before jake speaks again. "so, you mean this as in, like me like me? like, 'oh jake please take me out on a date' like me? or 'jake you're so handsome can i kiss your gorgeous face' like me?"

heeseung couldn't stop smiling, falling deeper with every word jake rambled. he finally took jakes hand down, choosing to properly intertwine their fingers into a handhold instead. "does this answer your question?"

and as jake patiently awaited an answer, heeseung had used his free hand to reciprocate jake's previous action of cupping his cheek. carefully, as if giving time for the shorter to back away, heeseung leaned inward, his lips practically ghosting over jake's. before he could connect them, jake did it first, firmly pressing his lips onto the latter's, his kiss full of eagerness, as if he'd been waiting to do so for a long time.

the kiss lingered a second too long until the two pulled away, breathless from the rush of adrenaline, excitement, and nerves. jake finally released a smile, heeseung doing so all the same.

the blonde quickly pecked heeseung's lips again before wrapping both his arms tightly around the taller's neck, bringing him into a warm embrace. "i like you, too, heeseungie."

god, heeseung was absolutely whipped. he secured his own arms around jake's waist, rubbing circles into the fabric of his shirt, reminding himself jake was truly there in his hold. jake had just kissed him. and jake liked him back.

the two pulled apart, simply gazing into each other's eyes. the early morning suddenly reminded them of its existence as it once again hit that it was extremely early and they had classes.

"i'm sorry this is so early in the morning, i have pretty shit timing," heeseung said, rubbing his arm sheepishly.

jake shook his head, unbothered. "there's no wrong time. if i'm being honest, i couldn't fall asleep tonight. i was too busy wishing i had kissed you when we were outside the building."

immediately heeseung blushed, not expecting his own thoughts to be reciprocated. but that's jake for you: straightforward and bold. and strong. and funny. and beautiful. and everything else heeseung was so fucking happy to have gotten to know so far.

"i'm glad you confessed to me," jake then said. "i was too nervous to do it first."

"please," heeseung scoffed, grinning smugly as he crossed his arms. "you? nervous? is this the same guy that asked me if i was single in the elevator, like, five minutes into our conversation?"

jake chuckled, shrugging. "i have my unfiltered moments."

"can i walk you to your classes tomorrow morning?" heeseung asked.

nodding, jake replied with, "i'll wake up you up with wish you would."

heeseung raised a brow. "wish you would? what's that?"



oh. that's wish you would.

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