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lee heeseung could have sworn last night was a fever dream. but the ache in his back and the sore muscles in his arms convinced him otherwise.

the morning light forced him awake, even after only four hours of sleep. it's cruel to have to go to classes after a night like last night, heeseung thought to himself, stretching as he got out of bed.

he dragged himself into his kitchen, jay nowhere to be seen. heeseung wouldn't be surprised if he'd left already, especially since he wakes up much earlier than heeseung does.

heeseung's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his front door. without thinking much of it, he waddled over to the front entrance, turning his door knob to reveal a chipper jake sim on the other end of it.

this jolted the older into being much more awake.

"j-jake? what the hell?" heeseung shrieked, crossing his arms over his chest in embarrassment. he literally had just rolled out of bed, his hair springing into all different directions and his eyes puffy from sleep.

jake couldn't care less. he thought heeseung was beautiful no matter what. smiling, jake said, "would you walk me to my class this morning, heeseungie?"

if this were two days ago—hell, if this was yesterday morning, heeseung would slam the door in his neighbors face, thinking he was just an irritating neighbor of his.

today, however, after having been with jake sim for three hours in an elevator, heeseung didn't have that type of thought.

"can i...uh, can i get dressed first?"

the blonde chuckled, letting himself inside uninvited. "okay! i'll wait for you. ooh, nice place!"

heeseung pressed his lips together as he watched his neighbor lead himself in. he couldn't find the energy in him to tell the guy to leave. so with a sigh, he simply booked it to his bedroom, changing and washing up quickly to start his day.

at least five minutes passed before the taller had emerged from his bedroom all freshened up. "ah!" jake cried, grabbing his heart with both of his hands as if a sharp pain had ignited in him.

"jake?!" heeseung gasped, hurrying over to the boy. "are you okay?"

jake's eyes were squeezed shut and he was panting heavily. slowly, he opened up one eye and saw the concerned look on heeseung's face. a smile grew onto his lips and he let out a giggle. "yep, that was a close one. you're so handsome i almost got a heart attack."

this fucking kid i swear to—

more giggling tore heeseung from his thoughts. jake slapped an arm on heeseung's tensed shoulder. "i'm just messing with you, heeseungie! sorry to scare you. you do look handsome today, though."

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