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if heeseung had water in his mouth, that shit would have been spit right out into jake sim's face.


"i asked, 'are you single?'" jake repeated nonchalantly.

heeseung just knew his cheeks were absolutely burning right now. what the fuck kind of question is that? and why is jake asking him? and why is it making heeseung nervous? and why does he keep asking himself questions?

"none of your business," he dumbly answers, looking down at his shoes.

jake pouts. "gosh, just trying to keep the convo flowing." that, and jake also wanted to know for personal reasons...

"why that question?"

jake shrugged. "i don't know. makes for interesting conversation. i'm single, by the way."

heeseung closed his eyes, hitting his head back against the wall. lord save me now.


"excuse me, sir?"

jay park had walked himself back downstairs to approach the front desk of the apartment complex they lived in. one security guard stayed on duty throughout the day and night in their complex, curtesy of the school and their wanting to keep students safe.

the elder man sitting at the front desk, surrounded by security monitors, papers, and his takeout from earlier, lifted his tired head to meet jay's gaze.

jay's eyes instantly widened. this was not an elder man. "woah, how old are you?" jay blurted.

the supposed security guard replied with, "eighteen."

"dude, are you a student? why are you the security guard?" jay was flabbergasted.

the boy nodded, twirling a pen with his fingers. "yeah, just filling in for my dad. he's the usual guard here, he's just out grabbing dinner. nothing happens here so i'm just filling in for, like, twenty more minutes."

jay had no clue what to say so he just nodded. the kid had his black hair swept to the side messily and he brushed it out of his eyes as he stood to toss something in the trash bin. damn, this kid is tall as hell, jay thought.

"so, can i help you?" the boy asked, sitting back down again.

"oh, uh, yeah. i'm assuming you know about the elevator situation, right?"

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