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"are you almost ready?"

"you can't rush perfection, babe."

"ugh, you're so weird."

jay park laughed, but nevertheless, continued finishing up his homecooked meal for dinner. he'd been watching a bit more gordon ramsey lately, or any cooking show for that matter, eager to try new recipes. he was really growing into his passion for cooking.

park sunghoon loved it—it being his boyfriend (and his boyfriend's love for cooking). the two had made it official a couple months back, in which jay had stopped by the restaurant one night, him and sunghoon having stayed much too long after closing. eventually, their conversation grew deeper and realer and feelings flew and here they are, finally a happy couple.

the end of the academic year was approaching, for it was finally spring term. jay and heeseung were still roommates and best friends, but heeseung gradually began to stay nights in their shared home less and less, for he tended to spend most of his time at the one next door.

"apparently jay's been learning some new recipe, so he's eager for us to try it," heeseung explained, phone lifted to his left ear as he paced around jake's apartment.

"sounds good, i'll be there in just a few!" the voice sounded from the other line.

"okay, see you soon."

heeseung smiled as he slipped his phone back into his pocket. he even helped himself to a glass of water as he waited for his boyfriend to come home from work.

and just as he said, minutes later, keys jingled on the opposite end of the door, none other than jake being the one to open it. "honey, i'm home!"
he exclaimed dramatically, tossing his keys to the counter as he threw his arms out to the side.

heeseung chuckled at the action, walking over to the blonde to accept the embrace his outstretched arms were asking for. he lightly kissed the top of his hair before asking, "how was work?"

jake pulled back to press a peck on the top of heeseung's button nose. "very boring without sunghoon working a shift with me."

"wow, so you missed sunghoon and not me?"

jake rolled his eyes, laughing. "i always miss you, dummy."

heeseung's heart raced. he'd never get used to jake's bold and flirtatious remarks. even the ones he made before they started dating.

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