Chapter 15

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This day was gloomier than the ones that have passed. It was cold and yet the sun was shining on the earth below. The sky was blue and not a single cloud as far as the eyes could see. However, the atmosphere alone felt less joyful or maybe it was just the mind of a girl who felt trapped by her own sorrowful emotions.

[Name] sat down on an empty seat on the train, staring mindlessly at the view that quickly passed out of the window. A sigh escaped her lips, feeling emotionally lost. Her mind was blank, dark circles covered the bottom of her eyes. She had not slept a wink the night before, knowing what day would come.

The death anniversary of her parents.

After the family company had gotten bankrupt, her father sought some help from a foreign country and had to fly over for an in-person meeting. Promises were made, yet broken in a matter of hours. The engines have already exploded due to a flock of birds that flew by, some had gotten themselves trapped in the propellers.

The plane descended the sky with high speeds causing the impact on the ground to destroy the cockpit and fuselage of the plane. Officials had hoped that there were still survivors, severely injured, but alive. That was before the loud boom sound filled the area, smoke ascended to the sky. The whole plane was engulfed in flames. They had said that the sudden explosion was due to fuel leakage. Alas, there were no survivors.

Hearing the news broke her. Despite it being 9 years already, her heart still ached from the pain. She tried her best to continue the deal as the heir to the company. Nonetheless, the adults only saw her as a 16-year-old girl who heavily mourned the death of her deceased parents. Fortunately, they felt pity towards the young girl, aiding her in finishing her education with nothing in return.

Eventually, she met Kaito in college. He had viewed her as hardworking and determined, yet she still found time to be with him as he was her only friend. She fought for her scholarship, aiding other students in their studies to earn some extra cash. It wasn't much, but she was now in this alone. Her morales weren't broken, with her head held high, she pushed through. But there was only so much one person could take.

[Name] stood with two small bouquets of flowers in her hands, staring down at the graves in front of her. It was a wish of her parents to be buried in their hometown, Shibuya. It gave her a sense of comfort, the town was peaceful compared to the 24/7 busy streets of Tokyo. The locals she encountered were friendly and welcoming as well. 

As she kneeled in front of their grave, placing the flowers on top of it. A loud boom and a flash of light appeared in the sky, dark grey clouds began to form signaling the weather wouldn't be good soon.

A tear slid down her cheek, and then another and another. Until a flood of tears poured out of her eyes. Her sobs echoed through the empty graveyard, with a quick sniff she looked up from her crouched form.

"I'm sorry.." she paused, "It's too difficult."

Her teary eyes then widened at a familiar voice who called out her name. He was a good distance away from her, yet he spoke with such a gentle voice as he watched her be vulnerable for the first time since they met.

Mikey felt his heart drop the moment he met with that teary gaze of hers. He didn't want to see her sad, watch her cry, and hear her sobs of pain. He slowly approached the girl, not wanting to startle her. He then watched as she wiped the tears away, only to be replaced with new ones. But what really pained his heart is the smile she put up in front of him.

His arms reached out, engulfing the girl into a much-needed hug. There was a comfortable silence that filled the atmosphere. Her smile was wiped away as she continued to sob against his chest. All he did was hold her, yet the gesture provided much comfort.

[Name] felt warmth towards him. She could feel her cheeks becoming warm. He could feel her lift her head, her sobs became silent. A tinge of pink was almost visible on their cheeks as their gaze locked. Their heartbeat increased as they continued to engulf each other in a hug, one that was completely overdue. 

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