Chapter 17

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The darkness consumed him once again. It was just another day at work, yet the atmosphere was tenser than usual as some workers gathered together. Crimson red liquid dripped onto the floor, the body of its owner was bruised and beaten up. Mikey usually wouldn't have his hands covered in blood.

Alas, the particular pawn should've known better than to blabber his mouth out to his colleagues about how soft and vulnerable their leader was towards this certain girl he had the pleasure of driving home that evening. Mikey, once again, showed them all about how cruel and heartless he can be. His dark impulses are taking over him.

"Is this the useless pawn you were telling me about, Rindou?" Ran came inside the room with the other executive members following. They all had heard the news and came to watch the one-sided brawl for their entertainment.

Sanzu laughed out loud from the sight he had seen. A part of him was intrigued by how his boss acted from the way he beat up low-level workers with his own hands.

"Mikey~ I wonder just how important that girl is to you," Sanzu teased from afar. Earning a glare from Mikey who let go of the collar from the man's shirt. He fell unconscious on the ground, barely breathing.

"Shut up, Sanzu," Mikey commanded. His voice was dark, his eyes held no emotion at all, his bloody hands gripped into a fist. Sanzu gulped at the sight. Being Bonten's Number 2 was useless when he stood side by side with Mikey. He was strong, but not as strong as his boss.

"Mikey, calm down. The cops will be here soon," Takeomi informed from behind the group. A cellphone in his hand with another one of their underlings at the other end of the line, informing him about the police coming to their locations soon.

"Finish them." Was Mikey's last words before they left the area. A loud bang echoed throughout the room. More blood was spilled, no words were exchanged.

Be that as it may, Mikey felt guilty for how he is still doing things after meeting [Name]. He knew she wouldn't accept him as he is, yet he hoped she would. She trusted him and he couldn't feel anything else but betrayal. He lies towards the person he loves and he knows that.

He needed to make a decision. Should he tell her the truth and risk it all or continue his lies?

On the other side of the city, a few hours after that unfortunate event, [Name] made her way home after a long day at work. A small smile made its way on her lips, grateful for the Christmas bonus she had received from her superiors. That was until her face dropped from the notice sign that stuck on the door of her apartment.

"Eviction notice..?" she whispered to herself as she took off the paper on the door and continued to read the rest inside her house. A shaky breath left her mouth, slipping her back down the door after it closed.

Small tears left her eyes as she continued to read. Although, it was such a relief when she remembered the bonus she had received. That plus her paycheck and a bit of savings maybe she would be able to pay the majority before the due date. Another sigh left her mouth, reaching out for her phone.

There was only one person she trusted to confide in, his presence alone was enough to calm her down. Her heart fluttered at the thought of him, her cheeks felt a tad bit warm. However, she thought of bothering him as he, too, had work to do.

But her fingers already pressed the call button. Without a moment of silence, he picked up the phone. [Name] was not aware of how much she came to trust him yet a part of her just needed to hear his calm and gentle voice against her ears. 

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