Chapter 19

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It wasn't such a pleasant night to remember as they both hoped it would be. Loud sounds of fireworks fell silent on his ears as he watched the love of his life leave him on that supposedly joyous night. Christmas, indeed, was a holiday they both despised.

[Name] wished she didn't hear what he had told her. However, a part of her just wanted to stay with him, hold him close and say it was alright. Alas, she knew she shouldn't treat a criminal that way. Even when being informed of little, yet horrible things Bonten has done in the past. It was enough to make her despise the group. How can people like them hurt others without a tinge of guilt in their hearts?

Despite knowing that now, she could only wonder if the friendship they had was true. The laughs, the cries, the memories she held on ever so dearly felt like it was crumbling over. After having her loving parents leave this world, she wouldn't know how to let go of the friend she cared so much about.

This stopped her from pressing the call button as she sat on her bed.

Mikey, however, was heartbroken. He knew he shouldn't have hoped for too much, yet he couldn't stop himself from doing so. [Name] deserved the truth and it wasn't pretty. He was very much aware of the damage he had done to countless citizens, yet did nothing about it. The only person who had made him care this much, after years, was her.

"Damn it." He stood up from where he was sitting, leaving the crowd of people who started to leave as well after the firework show. Regretting the moment he decided to drive her away.

This unfortunate event happened one year ago. Even so, the two main protagonists of this story wouldn't forget how important they were to each other. Only one was too busy to realize it.

It is, indeed, surprising how one year can change a person. Bonten news has gone down, as their criminal activities have slowly begun to lessen. It was great news for all, even if the police still haven't found the one who was responsible for the organization in the first place.

Mikey wanted to let [Name] know that he had wanted to change in order to bring her back. With a new organization, their logo being a white cat was made to help people in need. The previous crime boss still had enough power and resources, he knew that he would give up anything to bring her back to him.

Be that as it may, things weren't exactly going in the right direction for [Name]. Small problems became a disastrous typhoons. She started to work a second job to quickly pay the rest of her due bills before the final date.

Kaito noticed the growing eyebags and unusual late arrivals of his old friend. He had asked multiple times, yet met with the same answer that declared she was fine. It was just another day on his way to the office. He had prepared a reservation at one of his favorite restaurants for him and [Name]. He hoped it would at least lighten her spirits for one night. His smile dropped when he heard she was fired when he walked into the building.

It was then [Name] knew she couldn't take it anymore. She was raised to be better than this, but like the human she is, there was a limit and she finally reached hers. A few months later she was kicked out of her apartment because of the overdue rent.

Winter has gone and spring has arrived. 

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