Chapter 9

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The evening was pleasant. The cold air allowed individuals to cuddle up alongside their loved ones as they stayed over for the holidays. Christmas-themed shows started to show on TV, allowing its viewers to binge-watch all through the days of the month.

[Name] kept her shoes as she finally arrived at her apartment. Making her way to the bedroom, she hung her coat before changing into something more comfortable. A heavy sigh left her mouth. Her legs ached from walking all the way home in order to save money from transportation.

She sat on her neatly fixed bed, skimming through the bills that were stacked upon each other that was left there. Her hands shook, bringing the papers up to her face, barely an inch away from the tears that crept out of her eyes. She could only wonder how things came to be like this.

A once-wealthy girl who only dreamed of inheriting her family's company, now struggling to pay all her bills. [Name] wasn't spoiled, she studied hard and worked her way to the top. That was until an incident happened.

She was more than capable of running the company. Her skills allowed her to have a manager role at the place she works in now. Thanks to the help of Kaito—her college friend—as he was the one who suggested her to his higher-ups.

A vibration from her phone averted her attention away from the thoughts she was just having. With a swipe of her finger, a small smile made its way on her lips. Mikey had texted her number, suggesting she save it in her contacts for the future.

"I guess having another friend does make me feel better," she whispered, brushing away all the suspicions she had of him lately.

She closed the lights of her room, leaving the area dimmed as her phone radiated small rays. [Name] replied to his text, smiling against the pillow she leaned on.

Meanwhile, Mikey sat still on his office chair. His phone sent a notification, alerting the other people in the room. In this case, Kokonoi and Kakuchou. Even in this late hour of the night, their work kept them occupied around the clock. They were discussing the finance report.

Those who paid their debt to them, those who didn't. It was such a pity that innocent lives were caught up around their web. They appeared like people who wanted to help, lying to those who would do anything to get them out of their situation. That led to some individuals who lost their lives or went into hiding.

They had a reputation to live up to. One that wasn't so plausible to the minds of innocence.

Mikey shifted in his chair, staring at the phone in his hand. The look of puzzlement crossed the faces of the other two subordinates in the room. Wondering if the text he got was so important to distract him from their meeting.

Although, in reality, his heart thumped harder against his chest once again. His breathing quickened, replying to the girl before switching his phone off.

"Continue the report," Mikey stated. He was blunt, serious at the task at hand. His arms reached out for a dorayaki that was newly bought, sitting at the plate on his table.

Kokonoi continued the report, however, Mikey's mind was elsewhere. Her smile, her voice, he noticed even the smallest bits of her actions.

She was poised, had an eloquent way of speaking. Yet kindness and sincerity remained in her voice. He sighed, wondering what he could do with these feelings he started to develop. Not that he understood what it was in the first place.

Both [Name] and Mikey felt similar feelings for one another. And they knew deep down that this was the beginning of a new chapter. One that would either hold despair or one of hope. 

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