Chapter 2: Uncertain Future

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Cale began to write down all the main events in the novel and connected with his situation now. He wrote in Korean language afraid that someone accidentally read it. Cale concluded that this place is a different place from the novel. Based on the memories he saw, there are a lot of different situations in this place.

First, Ron Molan is not working in this estate as Cale butler, naturally, his child, Beacrox Molan also not in this estate.

'Hm... I wonder where there are right now. Well not that I care, it is much better for me if I don't associate with them.'

Second, even though the situation where Cale's mother died is the same but Deruth demeanor is completely different. In the novel, even though Deruth still neglected Cale but he didn't abuse Cale and let him do whatever he want. But in this place, Deruth is filled with hatred every time he sees Cale and it will lead to unreasonable punishment to Cale.

'Ha... in the end, I go back to this hellhole called abuse.'

'What the fuck is wrong with my fate! Why both of my soul must suffer like this.'

Third, mostly all of the workers on this estate are rude to Cale or they just ignore Cale, they don't care and didn't even serve Cale properly because Deruth doesn't even bother to check on Cale. There a gossip among a worker that Cale is a cursed child who killed her mother.

'I don't know why they say I am the one who killed mother, there are no bad memories or any kind of accident when I am with mother. Aside from mother health become weaker every time we see each other, there is no other thing.'

'Hm... maybe they are right that I am a cursed child. I mean, why else both my soul situation have a similar sad life, probably because I am cursed.'

The world is never a kind place from the beginning, especially to both of Cale's souls. He has a red string to every annoying and bad thing in this world. It is like fate is toying with Cale and want him to suffer. There is always a price someone needs to pay to keep the world in balance.

'Probably all the main events in the novel will occur, I should prepare for that. Also, even though I feel like I will not get beaten by Choi Han, but there is nothing wrong with a little protection because this body is too weak.'

'But first, I need to collect a lot of money and decide either still live in this estate until the main events take place or I run away somewhere safe. I should also find out the reason my soul split, probably that book is supposed to be my fate. But I can feel that something is twisted. Ha.. what an annoying situation'

Cale is a unique variable and a rare case. His two souls that merging makes the soul stronger yet fragile at the same. Originally both of the souls are already broken, and the main soul is in danger situation but even though it is broken, the other soul has a strong will to live. Even God can't predict what will happen to Cale's future.
The next day, Cale is woken up because he feels hungry, and based on his memories the worker often does not prepare his food, and obviously, he will not go to the dining room afraid that he will meet his father. Unlike before, he can live and eat just find without worker help, Cale now that mentally is nearly 20 years old is used to cook and taking care of himself. Also, later that day he still need to study for territory lord education regardless of his situation he is still a legal successor. Even though it will become Basen's job later.

Cale sneaks to the kitchen and takes some fruit to eat because there is no time to cook a full meal since he will late for his class. And that is the last thing Cale wants because Deruth will use that reason to punish him harder. Everything proceeds smoothly until night. Cale that already in bed abruptly gets up because Deruth harshly opens his chamber room and looks at Cale with an angry and clouded with a grieving look.

Deruth then grabs Cale's hair and drags Cale to the underground, Cale knows what will happen next. He is someone who has already get used to being beaten up by adults without a clear reason, but still, he found this situation annoying especially when he hates pain.

'Ha... here we go again, I hope that this will end fast.'

Deruth throws him roughly to the floor and Cale just looks coldly at Deruth.

"Ho... how dare you look at me with that expression! I am sure we will have fun tonight right my dear son."

"Whatever, just do it fast."

"I will make sure you regret this attitude!" Deruth says while gritted his teeth.

'Ha... I shouldn't provocate him further, it will be bad for my situation. But still, I want to rebel a little bit for how much I suffer.'

Cale now is someone who already gets rid of unnecessary emotion, he is not a naïve 8 years old child that needs father love anymore. Cale is someone who through so much that his heart is already frozen. It is just his will to live a peaceful life that he keeps endure every shit in his life.


Caught off guard because of a sudden hard slap in his face, Cale falls to the floor. It can't be helped since Deruth is a strong man and he is just an 8-year-old child. He can feel a metallic taste in his mouth, his lip burst just from a single hit. Today will be a long night.

"How dare you blankly stand in there. Take off your clothes!"

The moment Cale takes off his clothes, hard blow land in his bare skin. Somehow his hand was already chained to the ceiling and the hit landed over and over again, Cale try his best to keep quiet. It is Cale's habit because he refused to give any satisfaction. Seeing this, Deruth hit Cale harder.


Cale groan with every hit he received. It is extremely painful to Cale's weak body but still, Cale endures as long as he can. Even though Cale's body already fill with angry purple welt, Deruth doesn't care and doesn't plan to stop soon. Cale can feel some of his bruises already bleeding.

Deruth finally stop after some time, broke the chain, and left Cale to fall to the floor. Not have any strength left Cale just lies down on the floor. After he feels that he can stand without fall, he slowly drags his body to his bedroom.

'I prefer to sleep in a comfortable bed while in pain than sleep on this cold floor.'

He crashed his tired body into the bed. With how tired his body is, he soon falls asleep.

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