Yandere Fem Kakashi x More serious Naruto Pt 1

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A/N: this is my first idea, these stories are going to be brief when it comes to character development but I'll try to make it deep.

In this universe kakashi (I'm going to keep the name the same) is a female and naruto is a little more serious and a bit smarter but still canon where he's naive and a little reckless, and Danzo will be killed off early, but anyways onto the story.

Yandere Fem Kakashi x More serious Naruto

No p.o.v: Village of konoha October 10

   It was night time in the village hidden in the leaves. The stars shine brighlty next to the full moon which lit the way on the street. The forest nearby with different creatures is at peace for the night. This image from uptop a high place would shout tranquil, but the noises coming from the image is far from it.

Naruto's p.o.v

   I was running, running from the angry villagers and what I can guess is shinobi, a few but a few too many. I know why they hate this day, everyone does, who doesn't, it's the day the kyūbi attacked killing many untill the Yondaime Hokage sacrificing himself to save many. But why do they target me, though thats a bit redundant now but I guess I should explain.


  It was after a beating from two men, my vision going in and out, it was my fourth birthday and jiji took me to get some ramen but had to leave since he has a meeting with someone.

   As my vision turn to darkness I heard voices of what sounded demonic but with care? "I'm sorry kit if I was stronger then you would still have your parents this is the best I can do..." this voice started to fade and next thing I know my body stopped aching and bleeding.

   You don't have to be a prodigy to figure this out . Oct 10 day of the kyūbi defeat and my birthday, people scorning at me, calling me a demon a monster,  and voices in my head call me 'kit'.

Flash back end

  Now that explains how I know but how did everyone else know? I would have pondered this if it wasn't for a kunai thrown at my shoulder. Staggering a little I made the worse decision of making a right, right into a goddam enclosed alley one thought raging in my head, 'FUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKK' I looked for anything to scale the wall but it was too late.

No p.o.v

   Blue eyes met sinister eyes, some sober some bloodshot but still promising nothing short of death and torture. Another kunai thrown at the young blonde but only garnering a small whimper from the 7 year old.

   On the roof top nearby a shinobi with a bear mask with four eye holes was spectating the torture. This will be the down fall for this set of anbu and its old warhawk of a leader. A figure with greying hair known for his icha icha made a break through with the seals only known to be on this set of anbu called ROOT who just so happens to be behind this figure (don't you love op plot fuckery against assholes like Danzo).

   You see this person is Jiraiya and he was ordered to find a way to break the seal and the suicide seal on these operatives. However he was too late to save his late student son.

    Down below in the alley they stuck Naruto on the wall with kunais and two forms that look to be tantos threw his small body. His small form malnourished and bloodied. The people that were torturing the child gleefully writing 'demon, family killer, monster' and the like with sharp objects while passing around drinks.

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