Yandere Number 5 and 362 x Number 1

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AN: ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL-right. Just a heads up first and foremost no there's no kids, their aged up so  pedos go back to your jail cells and FBI  you can't get me now. And second I keep forgetting but I do not own any series that I write, it's purely fanfiction so please no copyright. Anyway on to the story. Nigel stands 6'0, while Abigail and Rachel stands 5'9. Nigel, Abigail, and Rachel are built with lean muscles fit for every situation but not body builders.

9 Years later.

The world was at peace once more, the KND or Kids Next Door has changed initiative, they still protect kids all around the world but they accepted there comes a time where even they, as much as they hate it, need to grow up. They keep everyone in check, they make sure kids can get a good childhood, the TND makes sures teens get their tennagehood like childhood, and adults give advice and be proper teachers for the future generations. Even the villains have a heart as well.

This cycle of working together produced happy people, healthier people, bluer skies, and generally a utopia, at least in first world nations. All three groups are trying to help in different nations where there wasn't peace or it was temporary. The group formed KTAPI [Kids, Teens, and Adult Peace Initiative] and to start, KND AND TND stopped decommissioning operatives so they can continue in the mission of global peace. The leader of it all was at least on the field was non-other than Nigel Uno, or Number 1. Son of the legendary Numbuh 0 Aka Monty Uno. They did decommission those who were wanting to leave or they could no longer handle being an agent.

At the forefront on the field was Number 1 and his second in command was Number 5, Abigail Lincoln. The leader of all of the operations and logistics was Number 362 otherwise known as Rachel McKenzie, she leads all of the adults and teens together. The rest of the group wished to remain as normal operators rather than be  leaders, though later they did kinda lead. Number 2 is the head engineer of all tech and his office was usually on moon base but you'll talk to him at Sector V. Number 4 would later become a hand-to-hand instructor alongside with his girlfriend Number 86. Who would have thought two hot heads together, anyway she was head of the disciplinary committee, judicial committee, and on the rare chance the decommissioning process. Number 3 would lead the mental and physical health center where her bright and happy personality can help everyone and kinda remind them of the innocence in the world. Her personality can only be rivaled by SCP 999. For Number 1 and 5 they lead all operations, they're like Captain Price, your happy their there and on your side. Number 1 lead more delicate and secretive missions while Number 5 lead full frontal mission either rescue or assault. But most importantly they lead the Black Ops section called 'The Initiative', when the kiddies gloves needs to be taken off just hope squads 1-10 don't get you, taught by Number 1 and 5 in interrogation and torture, and put through trials that makes Delta sweat, kills SEALS, makes Spetznaz chill, and makes CIA close to puking and even making SAS start huffing.

For these Black ops squads Geneva convention does not exist there is no mercy. The best thing no one knows, the members don't know each other due to voice changing modules and pigment change so even if you remove their mask they would be a different person out in the other side of what they do.

As Number 1, 5, and 362 lead on the battle field they still lead normal lives. Outside of operations Nigel with Abigail and Rachel will be on summer vacation and for the full 3 months. It was decided that they weren't getting enough time to be their age. Adults, teens, and kids alike voted for the mental and physical health of these esteemed leaders to be on vacation for at least 5 months, they have been leading and sacrificing so much of their lives they need this. Which helped Number 5 and 362 with their plans.

Third pov

"So Number 362 is the plan ready." The voice of Number 5 sounded throughout the abandoned room. The room came from the 6th generation KND though little was known this room stayed the same, only supreme leaders knew and then they were decommissioned after but it was a war room. "Abigail how many times do I have to tell you call me Rachel." Rachel was the one to introduce the room to Abigail after the decommissioning being no longer in use, and since then they used this room for well... "I'ms sorry you know Abigail still has to play her part you know." For Rachel (as well as me) her talking in third person is somewhat weird, anyway "Yes Abigail I know, yes it's ready the island I 'booked' is ready once we land the nearest island that's when the guards leave and we can make our move."

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