Lyris Titanborn x Male reader

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AN: This is not canon so expect her feelings for Sai Sahan non-existent. Your a Orc Warden who fights for justice and to keep the world free and at peace and you can imagine whatever armor you wish to have, anyway enjoy.

After plunging your sword into Molag Bal's chest and your wild guardian slashed his back and the final push was Meridia's light banishing the daedric. Before that could happen he clung on to you, with all your might you cut his hand off with one mighty swing. He yelled in anguish before you did something no deity could have predicted. You just killed a daedric prince, the divines are sending warnings that you gained the status as god killer. Tamirel will know your name but right now your tired and down on one knee holding yourself so you don't collapse.

Meridia: Warrior please rise.

She shoots a ray of light that felt energizing. You stood tall and proud knowing you have your soul back but most importantly people had their own souls back and can finally go to Sovngarde.

Meridia: Warden this day forth let it be known your sacrifice in the protection of earth realm shall be sung in the halls of all temples, protector of the light, life, and order you unfortunately must tread carefully for your blade speaks before you. Your battle prowess demands respect before your humility could make you normal. Your life is forever changed as now even without my intervention you are titled as Rah Kriaan (gud mördare or Goð killer or god killer) you may be a protector first to some but ultimately a warrior who continues to fight.

Y/N knew what this meant, the gods and other deities will call for their rivals life. He may have been a soldier of fortune for some time and will lend his blade out to earn a living but he is first a warden then a teacher and very last a mercenary. Meridia continues

Meridia: Your friends' sacrifices will not be in vain and your companions will meet you soon(gives you the center piece of dawn breaker but smaller) . I bestow you this mortal, this shall protect you from the other deities showing you as a friend of my divine order but not my champion. Now go, earth realm has more adventures into the unknown for you, this will not be the last we meet each other.

She ended with a gentle and friendly tone but still holding authority. She opened a portal and next thing you know your being squeezed into the twin mountains of one Lyris Titan. "I missed you Y/N!" You were trying to breathe while one Sai Sahan laughing at you mis/fortune? Gaining your breath you looked around and only saw Sai and Cadswell "Where is Abnur?"

"Ah! Yes I saw him with the amulet you had running like a thief with treasure before everyone was able to be not so blurry. Ahh! That could work for my next poetry!"

Now tuning Cadswell out to talk to the others.

Y/N: He left

Lyris: Ofcourse he left the slime corpse defiling worm would piece of....

Sai: Let's not get so downed about him we will hunt him down later when the time comes.

Y/N: I'll keep an eye out, who knows what he'll do with that amulet. So what are your guy's plans now that everything is said and done?

Sai: I shall go back and protect the valley of blades.

Lyris: I'm joining you orc boy.

Ever since rescuing her and helping her get through the daedric realm she was stuck in she's been clingy and getting clingier as days go on. Whenever Y/N got somewhat hurt she bashed in the person or thing that hurt him to a splat or dust. Deciding to focus on the good side to having her as a companion you switched back to Cadswell.

Y/N: How about you Cadswell?

Cadswell: I shall call for you when something comes up sir, now back to my poetry.

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