Chapter Two

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Gibbs sat up from his desk, frustrated that his agents seemed no closer to the answer of what happened to their victim they knew that he had been un-honourably discharged from the navy and he had created about 10 different fake names and had dozens of bank accounts all containing stolen money but still no killer. Abby had been over run with no McGee and the amount of work she was doing to try and figure out the unidentified blood that they had found at the crime scene presumably the killers and analysing the victims clothes while also working on a separate case was showing to be too much Abby. It was only a day until McGee would return from helping his family so Gibbs started to feel a little relaxed compared to these last couple of days. He couldn't fault Jade she had been able to adjust to her new team and had managed to break through the encrypted codes on the laptop and help DiNozzo find some good leads on the case.

"Go home guys, there's not much more we can do till Abby has identified the blood, and maybe we might be a little bit more motivated with McGee back he might be able to help you Jade were you was a little stuck I would of asked Abby but she's really busy" Gibbs said leading the way to the lift.

Jade was grabbing her coat and bag after shutting down the laptop Gibbs had already left in a rush she walked over to the lift with DiNozzo beside her.

"How do you like it at NCIS?" He asked

"It's really great been a nice change, I wish I could help more but this is not my area of expertise I can see it is highly frustrating, I'm upset because I have been spending months trying to catch this monster then one day I get a call that he's dead, I know losing someone is never nice, but I wish he would of paid for what he did" she said with anger flashing through her perfect eyes.

"It is frustrating, but this kind of work does take time and it pays off when you catch the bad guy" DiNozzo replied trying to lighten up the situation. "Do you wanna go get a drink to relax?"

"Erm ... I'm sorry. I should be getting home" Jade excused

DiNozzo looked a little deflated "it's no problem, it's not everyday you gain a friend, a new member of our team"

Jade sighed "I have drink at home" she smiled "I guess it is true, it's not everyday you get a new friend and I'm only temp on your team remember” she laughed.

They both drove to Jades house, it was a very beautiful house with a large front door and high ceilings. It was mostly open plan and all on one floor with only a small set of stairs leading to a large luxurious bathroom, all the bedrooms were downstairs. The rooms were painted magnolia but had elegant statement pieces in each room adding a dash of colour if it be a cushion, throw or ornament. They sat on her breakfast bar in the kitchen after a glass of wine each and some pizza Tony's idea of course Jade glanced up at the clock

"Oh ... Oh ... I'm so sorry I'm late, I've got to be somewhere" she exclaimed.

"Okay ... No worries" Tony said a little shocked from the sudden out burst "I'll see you tomorrow."

The next day Jade had come in early to try and catch DiNozzo alone so she could apologise for having to rush off last night.

"I'm sorry, I'd just lost track of time and was a little startled"

"That's no problem was nice to talk to you outside of work" DiNozzo beamed

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