Chapter Seven

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Later on in the day Gibbs called Jade to go see him in a private room.

"Look I have my rules" Gibbs started "rule 12 never date a co-worker, but I think it's too late for you guys there" he smiled. "I wouldn’t usually do this and I know it might not be ideal but I want you to join my team! After our co-worker Kate was killed we need a new member of our team, I want sure who would be able to replace Kate she was really special to all of us, but you seemed to have fit in here no problem, I do understand you will need a little more training as you have no worked in an environment like this before, but trust me it will suit you, I can tell you have a fiery side and your strong and independent, just what I need”

Jade was taken aback by Gibbs’ offer and was not sure what to say, she sat their silent for a while and a smile crept across her face “YES! Of course!! I’d love to” she jumped up and hugged Gibbs “Thank you so much”.

Later on that evening she called Tim to come round to hers for food and so he was there when Ruby went to bed. She just wanted to make sure that he would be okay with her accepting the place within the team.

“I know things have been a little bit crazy this week” jade said as she grabbed Tim’s hand “but Gibbs offered me a permanent place within the team with added training and everything” she smiled waiting for Tim’s reaction.

“That’s fantastic” he beamed at her

“Your really okay with this?” she quizzed

“Of course, this is great” he replied and he leaned over to her to kiss her. She pushed him down on the sofa and continued to kiss him. After a while they decided to go to the bedroom.

“This is wired that after 9 years we would be doing this again” Jade laughed

“You sure you want to do this?”

“I’ve never been more sure” she whispered into his ear

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