Six Months Later

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6 Months Later

“Get Up!” shouted McGee and Ruby at the same time

“I shouldn’t have to go to work on a Sunday!” Jade mumbled from under her pillow

“You know that’s what you were taking on when you joined the team” Tim laughed

“I should stay home to watch Ruby” Jade pleaded

“You know Gibbs needs us all there, she will have to come with us, they don’t mind she’s well behaved and everybody loves her” McGee smiled as he looked at Ruby who had picked up and sat on his side

“And! I wanna see Tony” Ruby yelled

“I’m up! I’m up! Stop the yelling” Jade called as she managed to push herself to get out of bed, she was walking to the doorway to where Tim and Ruby stood as she tripped over a pair of trainers left on the floor.

“You only moved in a few months ago and your already trying to kill me?!” Jade laughed to McGee

They managed to get to NCIS headquarters at 10 o’clock everyone was already there, as they walked through to the bullpen they saw everyone smile when they saw Ruby even Gibbs, (she was just very outspoken and very cheeky which she had obviously got from Jade and not McGee) everyone just loved her. Ruby saw Abby (who was informing Gibbs on some DNA samples) and ran straight over to hug her, Abby had come round to Jade and Ruby after the initial shock when McGee told her, since Jade was now one of the team Abby respected her as much as all the others and they had become good friends having random nights out and dinner parties.

“What about me?” Shouted a sulky DiNozzo, Ruby turned and ran to him to give him a big hug too. He scooped her up and sat her on his knee as they started to play the latest game Tony had downloaded onto his computer. Ruby was laughing away.

Jade looked over everyone in the bullpen smiling and working … her life had changed so much in the last six months and she hadn’t expected any of it, she never imagined she would see McGee again never mind him knowing about Ruby and them living together. It had been a crazy six months … but still she couldn’t be happier.

She had managed to give her and Ruby what she had always wanted … A family.

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