Chapter Six

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They awoke the next morning to the unwelcome sound of Jade's alarm, Jade turned over and smiled when she saw a stretching McGee, she can't believe after all this time wanting and hoping she was finally waking up next to him. What she had wanted all along ... Her family. They got changed and headed into the living room to see Ruby sprawled out watching Spongebob Squarepants.

"You should of woken me up baby" Jade called

"You was tired plus if you was up you would of wanted to change the channel" Ruby joked.

"I'll make you some breakfast cheeky, and you'll have to come to work with me today but back to school tomorrow!"

"Okay" Ruby moaned.

They reached NCIS quite early the only person there was Gibbs, Jade had taken him to a side to explain the situation why she had to come to work with her and everything that had happened last night.

"Okay" Gibbs smiled "I could of guessed, the look on your face when you saw McGee and looking at Ruby she has his nose and mouth, good job she got your beautiful eyes" he laughed. When they came back to the bullpen it was empty Jade felt a little worried but McGee wouldn't have taken Ruby far.

McGee and Ruby were in the lift.

"It hurts again dad!"

"What you stomach?" McGee asked worried as the rush of responsibility fell on him, well Jade had coped with this for years on her own, he needed to help now! "It's okay we can go see my friend he will make sure your okay" he picked up Ruby and pressed a different button in the lift. They climbed out and McGee asked Ruby to stay there. He walked through some double doors to autopsy making sure there were no bodies or examinations taking place.

"Are you busy Ducky?" McGee called

"Not at all Timothy, there's not much more I can take from the victim at the moment, what seems to be the problem?" Ducky replied

"I've got someone for you to meet" he turned round and once again scooped Ruby up, he sat her on the desk. "Ducky this is my daughter Ruby"

Ducky's face dropped but he managed to show a smile "Well hello my dear"

"I know a lot to explain" McGee looked at Ducky. "Ruby this is Ducky, he's a doctor he will have a little look at you"

Ducky got the hint and started gathering his things together "it's a little bellyache Ducky" McGee said "she was sick yesterday from school" Ducky started to feel the little girls stomach.

"So are you going to explain Timothy?"

"Of course Doctor" he stuttered "Jade the lady assisting this case, We were at MIT together and our families knew each other, she was getting abused by her boyfriend, we were friends things happened and then she disappeared like the day after" Tim finished as he started to blush.

"Ah, I see" Ducky said. "She's fine, just probably a little sore from yesterday since she had been sick so many times, nothing ice-cream wont sort" and Ruby gave the biggest grin and Ducky laughed.

They jumped back into the lift he knew he should go tell Abby she was the only one who didn't know now, but for some reason he didn't want to, he thought he still had feelings for Abby and he knew she had some for him, but things had changed he’d dated other people since Abby but it was Jade he wanted. He needed to tell her.

"Just one more stop" McGee said to Ruby

"Okay, but the how about a chocolate muffin?" Ruby looked up staring at him with her big beautiful blue eyes

"Oh ... Erm okay then" he couldn't say no to her little face!

The lift opened up into Abby's lab.

"Hey Abby" he called

"Oh Hi McGee" she beamed "and who's this cutie?"

McGee took in a breath "this is my daughter"

"What?!" Abby said in shock but managing to keep calm due to the presence of Ruby. McGee continued with the same story that he had just told Ducky.

"Oh I see ... Well congratulations, I'm busy you'll have to go sorry" Abby stated.

Back in the bullpen Tony had arrived and was calling the leads they had discovered last night and Jade was reporting back to her own office. McGee and Ruby had just walked back in Ruby had chocolate on her face. She saw Tony and ran to him she hugged him leaving big chocolate smears up his suit.

"I'm sorry" Jade started.

"It's okay!" Tony interrupted.

Jade looked to McGee he explained where he had been and that Ducky said she was going to be fine, Jade laughed to herself.

"She played you well, she was fine this morning, she's trying to work her way around you".

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