Chapter Four

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They managed to get back to NCIS headquarters with Ruby throwing up only once in the car they climbed out Tony opened Ruby's door and grabbed her hand and she smiled.

"You okay kid?" Ruby weakly nodded in response. "I'll take you upstairs and we can eat some ice cream?" Ruby laughed and nodded.

"I don't think so! Eat some dinner first!" Jade called but the terrible twosome had already disappeared off into the building leaving Jade to carry Ruby's stuff. She managed to catch up to them and they all jumped in the lift, when they were at the bullpen Jade sat Ruby down on the sofa near the big window looking outside and she walked over to Gibbs.

"Can I talk to you?" She asked

"Of course" his eyes burning through her.

"In private" he led her around the corner near the stairs.

"What's up?" He asked.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry my daughter was ill so I had to get her from school"

"So who's the girl on my sofa?" He asked

"My daughter" Jade replied puzzled.

"She's too old, I mean you look too young"

"Anyway ..." she said ignoring his comments "I was unable to leave her at home she's really ill"

"Okay, I guess there ain't nothing I can do now she’s already here"

"Thank you so much!" She smiled and hugged Gibbs.

They walked back over to the bullpen and Jade saw Tony sat with Ruby helping her read her book. She had always been good at reading but still sometimes struggled on the big words. Jade smiled and felt a sharp pain of regret what if there had been a male figure in Ruby's life? Would that of been better for her? Ruby had appeared to have taken a real shine to Tony as they sat laughing and playing, it was nice to see her girl happy but it made her more upset inside.

It was midnight when the team had decided to call it a night, McGee and Jade had managed to get most of the information off of the external hard drive and DiNozzo had complied an extra list of suspects in the fraud case however it was too late to question them so they decided there was nothing they could do until the morning. Tony offered to help Jade back home she knew he lived in the opposite direction so refused, everyone was quite tired.

"Text me when you get home then" Tony called as he got in his car. After laying a sleeping Ruby in her car McGee had managed to pack her books and school work in the front seat.

"I'm so hungry" McGee said

"Yeah actually me too I forgot to have tea" Jade replied

"I could get us some pizza and we can chat like the good old days?!" McGee suggested hopefully

"It's late I need to get Ruby home"

"Well I can pick us up one on the way to yours"

"Okay ... It's late but I'm hungry here's my address don't be too long, remember pepperoni!" She laughed.

Jade got out of the car at her home she unlocked the door then carried ruby to her bed, she laid her down and closed the door she brought all of Ruby's toys in and school work and put them in the study, she walked to the fridge to grab a bottle of wine she grabbed a glass and poured it, but then she remembered McGee would be here soon she poured him a glass and just as she'd finished there was a light knock at the door she ran over to open it.

"Hi, that was quick" she said as her stomach rumbled with the smell of the pizza.

McGee followed her into her home and they went to sit on her living room sofa they quickly demolished the pizza so they sat there and began talking about the past.

"I've missed you, you know!" Said McGee slightly blushing

"I'm sorry I never called, I just couldn't forgive myself after the BBQ and when I did look you up you had moved here to Washington, but then I found out you was seeing a girl Abby so I left it there!"

"we're not together now, and that’s Abby who works in the lab at NCIS, anyway I was worried sick at first but then I heard you had moved away so I knew you was safe and away from Dan" McGee said softly

"I should never have told you about Dan! then he would never of beaten you up"

"He was hitting you Jade you had to tell someone, I would rather he was hitting me then you"

"You had a black eye Tim! and when I told you and all it brought you was trouble and me" she whispered

McGee grabbed her hand "but I wanted you!"

"Yeah! But I was too scared to leave Dan, and I went behind his back with you, that just makes me a cheat, that’s why I had to leave and not call you again, I felt too bad" A tear escaped from her eye.

"But your a good person, I know you are. Your family told me you moved away to get away from Dan and that you didn't tell me because you were protecting me"

"And myself!" she mumbled as she pulled her hand out of his.

"What?" McGee was puzzled

"He would have found out about me and you and come for us both"

"No he wouldn't I promised you I would keep it a secret until we managed to get you away from Dan" McGee said with his voice cracking a little "there was no way he would of found out!"

"There's Ruby!" Jade shouted as she got up.

"I don't understand" McGee said as he rushed to her side "Dan is the father?"

"No! You are!" Jade started to cry "Me and Dan hadn't slept together in over a month, so when I found I was pregnant I had to leave I knew he would suspect you and come and find you, I didn't want him to hurt you again"

McGee became pale and fell back on to the sofa and sat their silent and still.

"I'm so sorry" Jade sobbed, Tim still sat their silent just gazing through her.

He looked into her shocking blue eyes that had now become red and bloodshot he hugged her tightly and whispered "It's okay, I understand, I love you" he pulled her back to look at her beautiful face even if it did have make up all down it and he pulled her in for a kiss, Jade crumbled in his arms and kissed him back.

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